Games = Engagement

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Games = Engagement by Mind Map: Games = Engagement

1. being at risk

1.1. Chance of losing

1.2. Chance of restarting

1.3. Safe risk

1.3.1. Nothing drastic happens when failing occurs

2. Challenge

2.1. Need a problem to solve

2.2. Gives meaning to task

3. uncertainty of outcome

3.1. Adds suspense

3.2. keeps focus, wanting to know what could happen

4. opportunity for mastery

4.1. allows to demonstrate newly acquired skills

4.2. allow to continue practice till ready to move on

5. visible sign of progress

5.1. Giving levels

5.2. Change look of avatar as growth occurs

6. mystery

6.1. Evoke curiosity

6.2. Motivates to dig deeper

7. action

7.1. Start by doing something

7.2. Action gives meaning to task

8. emotional content

8.1. Make students care about the game and there will be caring about learning

8.2. Caring is seen when emotions can be shown

9. elements

9.1. Rules

9.2. Goals

9.3. conflicts, competition, and cooperation

9.4. Time

9.5. Rewards

9.6. Feedback

9.7. Levels

9.8. Story telling

9.9. Aesthetics