rencana studi

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rencana studi by Mind Map: rencana studi

1. semester 5

1.1. fokus IPK>3.5

1.2. search information about student exchange and schoolarship

2. semester 6

2.1. fokus IPK>3.5

2.2. search information about student exchange and schoolarship

3. semester 7

3.1. focus get cumloud on graduation

3.2. search master schoolarship

4. semester 8

4.1. fokus skirpsi

4.2. persiapan beasiswa

5. semester 2

5.1. make planing of bussiness

5.2. target IPK>3.5

6. semester 1

6.1. target IPK>3.5

6.2. join organitation

7. semester 3

7.1. make planing of business

7.2. target IPK 3.5

7.3. focus organitation

8. semester 4

8.1. target IPK>3.5

8.2. focus organitation