Movie Soundtrack

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Movie Soundtrack by Mind Map: Movie Soundtrack

1. what

1.1. We are going to create a short animation that we completely make for the audio production

1.2. The types of ways to enhance the audio and how to add music to the video/short animations

1.3. During this project the equipment you would need laptop,garageband

2. who

2.1. Students

2.2. Our direct target audience is adolescence

3. why

3.1. To create a new advantage if you join the video editing business

3.2. Why this is important is because it helps e learn yet another video editing skill

4. how

4.1. We are going to mute the video completely and then add our own music playlist that would fit the short animations

4.2. We are first going to learn how to add music to the short animation but before that we are going to learn how to mute the original play list

4.3. We are going to study the music