Identify current legislation and frame works in relation to safe guarding.

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Identify current legislation and frame works in relation to safe guarding. by Mind Map: Identify current legislation and frame works in relation to safe guarding.

1. Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999

2. Regulatory reform(fire safety) order 2005

3. Food safety regulations 1995

4. Reporting of injuries diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations RIDDOR 1995/2013

5. Control of substances hazardous to health regulations COSHH 2002

6. The food hygiene regulations 2006

7. The equality act 2010

8. Personal protective equipment at work regulations 1992

9. The race relations act 2000

10. data protection act 1998

11. protection act 1999

12. Health and safety at work act 1974

13. Food handling regulations

14. Manual handling operations regulations 1992

15. children act 1989

16. The united convention on the rights of child 1989

17. The special educational needs act SENDA 2001

18. The children act 2004

19. The children and families act 2014

20. Childcare act 2006

21. The special educational needs and disabilities code of practice 2014

22. Children and families act 2014 SEND code of practice 2014 the disclosure and barring service DBS

23. Working together to safeguard children 2013