1. Reflect/Transfer
1.1. What learned
1.1.1. Reflect on the development of composing practices and how those practices influence their work. I learned that reflecting on your own work and the work of others is an important part of writing. It can make your writing better and make you a better writer for your future projects because you go back to things you did well or didn't do well and take note of them. You repeat the things you did well and improve the things you didn't do well on.
1.2. Where demonstrated (examples)
1.2.1. P4! Project 4 is all about reflecting and transferring. We are reflecting on our writing that we have done throughout the semester and we are explaining how we can use what we have learned in the future.
1.2.2. SA#6 (Reflection P1) SA#6 was a complete reflection on Project #1. In SA#6 I noticed that I had a new personal goal in addition to the ones already mentioned in SA#1. Along with fine-tuning my writing, I also wanted to use new programs to convey information. This falls somewhat under multimodal because it is multimedia texts.
1.2.3. SA#11 (Reflection P2) SA#11 was a complete reflection on Project #2. In SA#11 I noticed that I was indeed working towards my personal goal of fine-tuning my writing because I learned how to write an annotated bibliography and how to use them in the future.
1.2.4. Cover letters for ea. Project The cover letters for each project included a reflection of the work that was completed and the revisions we made and why. The reasons for the revisions could have been from peer review, self guided or instructor guided.
1.3. Why/how still need to grow
1.3.1. Still would like to learn better ways of reflecting on my own work. How can I better critique myself?
1.4. How/when/where/why use in future
1.4.1. Helpful in future because I can look at these projects we did in this class and know what I did well on and what I should have changed for a better final product. I can take what I've learned here and apply it to scholarship applications, senior design, job applications, company letters and contracts, etc.
2. Personal: Fine-tuning writing
2.1. What learned
2.1.1. Make my writing better and more professional. Able to use past just school. I learned that I can never be a perfect writer. This was hard for me to admit because I am a type-A, perfectionist sort. I want to learn everything there is to learn about good writing.
2.2. Where demonstrated (examples)
2.2.1. P2 (annot. bib) I learned how to make an annotated bibliography. I learned what they consist of and what information they should include regarding the authors and document itself. I learned why they are important and why they are useful in finding crucial information with a certain reference.
2.2.2. Feedback memos It was nice to see the instructor comments then we were able to discuss them and revisit our projects. This helped with fine-tuning my writing because I took note of the instructor comments and tried to incorporate those suggestions and comments into my next projects.
2.3. Why/how still need to grow
2.3.1. I would like to learn more about annot. bibs and why/how they are used. Are they just used in writing/social sciences? Do engineers use them? As always said in this class, "no piece of writing is perfect or ever truly final" so I know that I can always improve my writing skills and fine-tuning will never be completely done.
2.4. How/when/where/why use in future
2.4.1. I can always, forever in the future, use my writing skills. In school, for my job, even just writing a letter to a friend (do people still write old-school letters anymore?)
3. Personal: Multimodal? using new programs to convey info
3.1. What learned
3.1.1. Multimodal def: Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts with technical content. I learned that technical writing isn't just text, it comes in many forms. It can be audio or video or just images. The forms that technical writing can take depend on audience and purpose. I'm categorizing my second personal goal as multimodal because I said my new personal goal was "using new programs to convey information that I hadn't used before." (SA#6)
3.2. Where demonstrated (examples)
3.2.1. P1 (new b/c of P1) After working on project 1, I realized that technical writing isn't just boring text and it can be fun, and visual too!
3.2.2. SA#10-cluster map For project 2, we mapped out some ideas for the draft. I used the cluster mapping/bubble technique. This helped me answer my who, what, where, why, when, how questions for the news article.
3.3. Why/how still need to grow
3.3.1. There are still so many ways of communicating that I am either aware of and haven't used or am completely unaware of. I would be interested in learning more about blogs and other audio aspects of technical writing.
3.4. How/when/where/why use in future
3.4.1. I might be asked, on the job or at school, to produce a different type of document or video or audio or something, and this knowledge would be useful to have.
4. Process
4.1. What learned
4.1.1. Def: Critique and use flexible strategies for reading, drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, rereading and editing using a variety of technologies I learned that the process is much more than just writing and revising and writing again. The process of any piece of writing is almost as important as the writing itself.
4.2. Where demonstrated (examples)
4.2.1. SA#10 SA#10 was about brainstorming techniques and the idea draft for P2. Perfect example of idea gathering and sorting and creating first draft for project.
4.2.2. Class activity: Workshop Annotated Bibliographies Part of the "process" is reviewing and collaborating. The annotated bibliography in-class work we did with highlighting our peer's annot. bibs with different colors for author and background, content, and usage for P2 was not only collaborating cuz it gave them new insight into the same thing they have been looking at, but also reviewing because we were reviewing their work and taking note of what other people might have done differently from us.
4.2.3. P1,P2,P3,P4 all projects were process intensive!! I think the most was P3. We had more than just one draft, we reviewed constantly, we definitely collaborated with our group members, we constantly revised and (sections, as a whole, restructured, t.o.c., bib, etc.), edited, and in some cases rewrote some pieces or entire sections.
4.3. Why/how still need to grow
4.3.1. I know I need to get better at the draft and revision process. I know my writing is not perfect the first time I write something, and most of the time I don't go back and review it. I can grow as a writer here because I need to do more drafting, revising, editing, and reviewing in my work.
4.4. How/when/where/why use in future
4.4.1. I can definitely use the process of writing in the future. I know I will use this for senior design because it is similar to P3, but on a much grander scale. We will have many drafts, many revisions, and we will have to work together in editing and rereading and rewriting pieces for the benefit of the entire project.
5. Information Literacy and Management
5.1. What learned
5.1.1. Def: Identify need for and then manage, analyze, synthesize and implement multiple streams of simultaneous information through various technological and document design processes I learned that finding research and analyzing the research is also an important aspect in writing, especially in technical writing.
5.2. Where demonstrated (examples)
5.2.1. P2 For project 2 I sifted through many different resources, mostly through the library databases, to find articles that pertained to my topic. Sometimes they looked good at first, then, when analyzing more in-depth, it turned out it wasn't helpful. P2 annot. bib was all about realizing the need, then managing, analyzing, synthesizing and implementing multiple streams of information. Oftentimes articles were similar and you picked the best ones.
5.2.2. Draft 1 and 2 of P3 (mostly drafts b/c final was more local changes) The researching aspect of Project 3 was mostly in draft 1 and 2 since the final was more just local changes rather than global changes like content. We researched the technical aspects of communication as well as the social aspects. We dug through tons of different research to find ones that would be the best use for our recommendation report.
5.3. Why/how still need to grow
5.3.1. I still need to grow in this course outcome because I need to get better at narrowing down searches and how to search for what I want. I would also like to learn more about how to distinguish between scholarly, reputable sources and just sources online that might not be as reputable.
5.4. How/when/where/why use in future
5.4.1. Researching and analyzing the research is very important. I can see myself using this in senior design as well as in the field. One example: if we need a certain size of pipe for an application, depending on where you get your information, or what vendor you decide to go with, the dimensions for said pipe might be different. This is especially crucial when your steel members are directly around your pipe and they cannot be moved.
6. Collaborative
6.1. What learned
6.1.1. Def: Develop intentional cross-cultural connections and relationships with others to participate in the collaborative and social aspects of technical writing processes, including giving and responding to productive feedback and working in teams I learned that collaboration isn't just working in teams, it is developing connections and relationships so that, when working, it is easier to communicate with others. It also includes producing and responding to productive feedback and constructive criticism.
6.2. Where demonstrated (examples)
6.2.1. P3 P3 was all about collaboration! Not only were we working as a group, collaboratively, but we were discussing collaboration and communication in our report. The members of our group formed relationships for this project that helped make our teamwork better and made it easier to get things done. We noted our strengths at the beginning and I think because of that, our group was strong in the technical writing process for this project. We also worked in teams for giving productive feedback for the other group that we peer-reviewed.
6.2.2. SA#12 (rhetorical sit for P3) We worked collaboratively for the rhetorical situation of our P3. We each brought new ideas for the company we worked for, the company we were producing the report for, and the audience that was at that company. When our rhet sit had to change, it was decided as a group how to change it or what to add to the rhet sit to make it more complete so we were all on the same page for our audience.
6.2.3. SA#13 and #14 (Progress reports for P3) The progress reports for P3 were done collaboratively with our groups. We gave and responded to productive feedback with each other about different pieces of the progress reports. We also had to let the other know what stage we were at in our personal writing if we were tasked with one section. This was part of the progress report- status and timeline.
6.3. Why/how still need to grow
6.3.1. I know that I will have to work in teams in the future, and I know that I need to be better at giving and responding to productive feedback. This might be getting feedback on my solo work as part of the group or as a whole reflection of the group.
6.4. How/when/where/why use in future
6.4.1. I know senior design will probably be the next big group that I will have to work with. I hope I can take what I have learned in this class, both as a writer and as a teammate, and put it to good work in my senior project.