Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Pe...

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Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community by Mind Map: Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community

1. Commersial activities in Malacca

1.1. Provide modern infrastructure facilities

1.2. Central of spice trade

1.3. Strategically located

2. History of China arrival in Malacca

2.1. Earliest settlements of Chinese

2.2. During British Colonial Era

2.3. Post-independence Malaya

3. Effect of commercial activity against Chinese Peranakan Community formation in Malacca

3.1. Form a strong group

3.2. Has stronger roots in duration compare to Chinese

3.3. Formation of new ethnic

4. China trade relations and Malacca

4.1. Emperor Yung Lo establish international relationship with country at southeast asia

4.2. To ensure economic progress, power and widening the influence of China goverment

5. Effect of Malay-China trade

5.1. Relations during the Malacca Sultan on the emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community