PowerPoint and its use in secondary education

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PowerPoint and its use in secondary education by Mind Map: PowerPoint and its use in secondary education

1. Technology: PowerPoint

2. Learning Assessment

3. Reasons for use: Presentations, Project, Story

4. A lot of themes and templates to use to make your project unique

5. Software designed to create electronic presentations consisting of a series of separate pages or slides

6. PowerPoint makes it easy to access all of the students presentations or projects

7. Sharing PowerPoints with others is very easy and directions are also found within the program

8. Teachers can grade PowerPoints easily and then give back feedback

9. There is an option to leave notes and comments on a presentation. Teachers can use this to show the grading broken down.

10. Teachers can assign a quiz for the students after al students are done presenting. This is an easy way to check if the students were attentive.

11. Interaction between students and the entire classroom benefit throughout using PowerPoints

12. Learner Goals

13. Teaching Goals

14. Very easy for teachers and students to use

15. Help is build into PowerPoint so it is easy to get used to the program

16. PowerPoint is used by teachers to create presentations for their lectures, etc. They can make a custom presentation from scratch

17. Teachers want students to be able to create presentations and show an extensive amount of learning and creativity

18. Teachers integrate PowerPoint into the lesson to bring attentiveness from their students to the presenation

19. PowerPoint is a hands on way to learn instead of students listening and doing worksheets all day. This technology brings a different, more exciting way to learn into the classroom

20. Comprehend PowerPoint: Learn all of the different options available

21. Create unique, great presentations and projects

22. This can be done easily with PowerPoint

23. Be more engaged. PowerPoint and other technology bring attentiveness and excitement to students

24. PowerPoint and other technology helps he whole classroom focus

25. Both teacher and student can learn by using PowerPoint. The goal is to bring a more exciting way to learn within the classroom