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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Audeo

2. Video

3. Recording

3.1. Strategies

3.1.1. Observations

3.1.2. Performance

3.1.3. Process Focuses

3.1.4. Selected Response

3.1.5. Open-ended task

3.2. Tools

3.2.1. Rubrics Made by students or teachers

3.2.2. Checklists

3.2.3. Exemplars

3.2.4. Anactdotal Records

3.2.5. Continuums

3.3. Teacher led

3.4. Student led

4. Assessing

4.1. Formative assessment

4.1.1. Pre-assessment Checking students' prior knowledge

4.1.2. Are students leaning?

4.2. Summative assessment

4.2.1. What have students learned?

4.2.2. Backwards by design Start with learning outcomes What do we want to assess? What do we want students to know?

4.3. Informs teaching

4.4. Informs learning

4.5. Self-Assessing

4.5.1. student

4.5.2. teacher

4.6. Essential elements

5. Different learning styles

6. Gives a balanced view of student learning

7. As feedback

7.1. Gives information, not rewards or punichsments

8. Documentation

8.1. Graphic Representation

8.2. Photographs

8.3. Student's Portfolio

8.3.1. Schools develop agreements for use

9. Reporting

9.1. Student Led Conferences

9.2. Written Reports

9.3. Student, teachers, and parents involved

9.4. Learner Profile

9.5. Exhibition