First Semester Of Science.

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First Semester Of Science. by Mind Map: First Semester Of Science.

1. Food Webs

1.1. It's shaped like a spiderweb

1.2. the arrows mean eaten by

2. Data Tables

3. Biotic

3.1. Things that are alive

3.2. Humans

3.3. animals

4. Abiotic

4.1. Non-living

4.2. Soil

4.3. Water

4.4. air

5. Circuits

5.1. Open circuits don't work

5.2. Closed circuits work

6. Testable Questions

6.1. hypothisis

6.1.1. If,Then,Because

7. Hypothisis

7.1. It has If,Then,Because

7.2. You can have a prediction

8. Independ Variables

8.1. comparing or changing

8.2. Different brands,types,amout,etc.

9. Dependent Variables

9.1. Measure or count

10. Consanant Veriables

10.1. Things that stay the same

11. Symbiosis

11.1. Predator-prey

11.2. Mutalism

11.3. parasitism

12. Energy

12.1. Mechanical

12.2. Light energy

12.3. Nuclear Energy

12.4. Thermal Energy

12.5. sound energy

12.6. Electrical Energy

13. Food pyramid

13.1. Passes down 10%of energy

13.2. Producers at the bottom

14. Biomes

14.1. Tundra

14.2. TDF

14.3. Tropical Rain Forest

14.4. Grassland

14.5. Desert

14.6. Taiga

15. Energy Transfomation

15.1. Transformed

15.2. Converted

15.3. Law of Conservation cannot be created or destroyed only transformed