Sea Life in New England

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Sea Life in New England by Mind Map: Sea Life in New England

1. Welcome!

1.1. Please feel free to add any new information, class!

1.2. Websites!

1.3. Books!

1.4. Pictures!

1.5. Articles!

2. Websites



3. Field Trip!

3.1. Sign up forms

3.2. Info.

4. Life Essentials

4.1. Diet

4.2. Habitats

5. Potential Dangers

5.1. Fishing

5.2. climate Change

6. Spotted! Sea Creatures

6.1. Whales

6.2. Horse shoe crabs

6.3. Lobsters

6.4. Periwinkles

6.5. Crab

6.6. Dolphins

6.7. Sharks

6.8. Starfish

6.9. Flounder

6.10. Swordfish

6.11. octopus