Dependencies December

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Dependencies December by Mind Map: Dependencies December

1. Role, Task Module

1.1. Search Role

1.1.1. Entity Component

1.2. Create Role

1.2.1. Entity Level Operation

1.2.2. Define Buttons for Form clear reset post custom

1.2.3. Success Callback for a form

1.2.4. Failure Callback for a form

1.3. Edit Role

1.3.1. Record Level Operation in Entity

1.3.2. Define Buttons for Form

1.3.3. Add details function on entityService or url which fetches full data

1.3.4. Success callback for form

1.3.5. Failure callback for form

1.4. Edit Role Permissions

1.4.1. Template Component with I/O

2. Staff Module

2.1. Role Facility Mapping

2.1.1. Template Component with I/O

3. Resource Calendar

3.1. Search Resource

3.2. Select Resource for Calendar

3.2.1. Legend Component

3.2.2. Custom template for table record

3.2.3. Precondition for record actions

3.3. Create Calendar

3.3.1. Button Actions

3.4. Edit Calendar Details

3.4.1. Button Actions

3.5. View My Calendar

3.6. Import Schedules

3.6.1. Dialog Input

3.7. Add Schedules

3.7.1. Items Component with inline editing

3.7.2. Add items with inline editing

3.7.3. readOnly Mode for all Components

3.7.4. disable Mode for all Components

3.8. Edit Schedules

3.8.1. Ability to remove item

4. Numbering Manager

4.1. Select Number to customize

4.2. Define Sequencing

4.3. Define Date Format, Constant

4.4. Re-Order elements

4.4.1. Template Component with I/O

4.5. Save

5. Document Management

6. Patient Registration

6.1. Demographics

6.2. Address

6.3. Identifiers

7. Customization

8. Multi Lingual