באר יוסף

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באר יוסף by Mind Map: באר יוסף

1. רש’’י says משה's sin was hitting the rock because he couldn't understand the physical needs of the people

1.1. רמב''ן says that משה hit the rock out of inappropriate anger

2. What's the meaning of אלקי הרוחות?

2.1. משה goes up to the mountain to see ארץ ישראל and realizes he's about to die

2.1.1. He then understood that the reason he could not lead the people into ארץ ישראל was because he could not fully come down to their physical level

2.1.2. therefore, משה asks 'ד to appoint a leader with אלקי הרוחות and shouldn't have this stumbling block that משה had (of not understanding their physical needs) ושלא יארע לו עוד שום מכשול בנהגתו את העם כמו שאירע לו למשה

2.2. מנה עליהם מנהיג שיהא סובל כל אחד ואחד לפי דעתו

2.2.1. The leader must have the ability to tolerate everyone's opinions

3. What's the double lashon, or meaning, of ’’יצא לפניהם יבא לפניהם" and ’’אשר יוציאם ואשר יביאם’’?

3.1. יצא לפניהם יבא לפניהם

3.1.1. this refers to the spiritual aspect of the leader he is above them, on a higher spiritual level "לפניהם"

3.2. אשר יוציאם ואשר יביאם

3.2.1. this refers to the physical aspect of the leader. the absence of the word "לפניהם" teaches us that the leader needs to be closer to the people on a physical level

3.3. your body helps your soul reach higher levels through מצוות

3.3.1. הרוח והנשמה יתעלה במעלות הרוחניות... הגוף והאברים בצירוף כוחות הרוח והנפש, יתעסק במעשי המצוות

3.4. every man is created from רוח and אדמה

3.4.1. we have both physical and spiritual needs

4. What is איש על העדה?

4.1. This refers to the spiritual aspect of the leader should be higher than בנ’’י

4.1.1. We understand this from the word, "על"

4.1.2. With this aspect, he will be able to bring בנ’’י to a higher level

5. Leader needs 2 opposing qualities:

5.1. High spiritual stature-רם המאלה וגדול הרוח

5.1.1. appropriate for the nation

5.1.2. ability to elevate the nation's spirituality

5.2. able to go down to the people's level

5.2.1. ability to tolerate the nation

5.2.2. can accommodate the physical requests of the nation- ולהזדקק לדרישותיו הגשמיים משה couldn't deal with בנ’’י's physical needs לא אוכל אנכי לבדי לשאת את כל העם הזה כי כבד ממני מאין לי בשר לתת לכל העם הזה

6. Why is יהושע appropriate for the job?

6.1. physical

6.1.1. He cares for simple, daily, and physical things

6.1.2. 1) orders benches- לסדר את השפלים this proves that he's capable to lead spiritually and he can tolerate everyone's opinions "ויכול להלוך כנגד רוחו ודעתו של כל אחד ואחד"

6.1.3. "אורח ומטפל בדברים הפשוטים הגשמים"

6.2. spiritual

6.2.1. He is on a very high level because he never left משה's side

6.2.2. 2) just like he never left משה's side, so too he will never leave בנ''י's spiritual and physical needs

6.2.3. "שלא גגה זזה יהו מרבו שעת אחת"

7. כצאן שאין להם רועה

7.1. "בבחונת הצאן הבהמו"

7.2. בנ''י are compared to sheep who are animals. They have physical needs.

7.2.1. these needs are tended by their shepherd this leader needs 2 aspects: conquer ארץ ישראל lead more in the way of טבע unlike in the desert where they lived life in נס