The (6) Type of Goals Every Human Needs

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The (6) Type of Goals Every Human Needs by Mind Map: The (6) Type of Goals Every Human Needs

1. 4. Entrepreneurial Goals (or Intrapreneurial Goals)

1.1. E.g. Goal 1 - Create the next 'Uber to <insert industry>'

1.2. E.g. Goal 2 - Turn passion for bird watching into a blog to share with the world

2. 5. Education

2.1. E.g. Goal 1 - Become certified in all major Google accreditations

2.2. E.g. Goal 2 - Become an 'Inbound Jedi'

2.3. E.g. Goal 3 - Get Qualification X to meet Career Goal Y

3. 6. Health

3.1. E.g. Goal 1 - Jog x 3 a week

3.2. E.g. Goal 2 - Run Half marathon in March

4. 1. Spiritual Goals

4.1. E.g. Goal 1 - Mediate Daily

5. 2. Family Goals

5.1. E.g. Goal 1 - Date night x 1/week

5.2. E.g. Goal 2 - Visit mum x 1/week

5.3. E.g. Goal 3 - Family activity x 2/week

6. 3. Career Goals

6.1. E.g. Goal 1 - Promotion in 3 months

6.2. E.g. Goal 2 - Step up in 6 months