New style of professional communication in New Ukrainian school

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New style of professional communication in New Ukrainian school by Mind Map: New style of professional communication in New Ukrainian school

1. Motivated

1.1. Modern children need to be allowed to motivate checking and work at all times. Now we did not work in this, but used the same motivational properties as before. Considering that the words of an adult have do not always consider, arbitrarily illustrate what is said, ready-made works, real-life examples (sure, important) Oriented believe that always have to do closer to the child context.

2. Value-based upbringing

2.1. The priority in the construction of a new school is the task of forming a system of universal values ​​- moral and ethical (dignity, honesty, justice, care, respect for life, respect for yourself and others) and socio-political (freedom, democracy, cultural diversity, respect for mother tongue and culture, patriotism, respect for the environment, respect for law, solidarity, responsibility).

3. Contemporary educational enviroment

3.1. Particular attention of teachers should be drawn to the Concept section on description changes in the organization of the modern educational environment. Because in school life there will be an increasing share of group game, project and research activities a variety of options for organizing educational space. In addition to the classic classrooms, it is advisable to use the latest, such as mobile workstations that can be easily transformed for group work work.

4. The new structure

4.1. The Concept highlights the peculiarities of organizing the educational process at school And degree according to the new structure. In particular, there are two in primary school learning cycles: first - adaptation-game (1–2 classes); the second is the main one (Grades 3-4).

5. Partnership

5.1. Of great importance in the Concept pedagogy of partnership between all participants in the educational process.

5.1.1. Partnership (collaboration) pedagogy It is based on the principles of humanism and creative approach to personal development. Its purpose is to create a new humane society free from totalitarianism and officialdom.

5.1.2. The main task of pedagogy of partnership is to overcome inertia of thinking, transition to a qualitatively new level of building relationships between participants educational process.

5.1.3. This task is realized in the joint activity of the teacher and the students, the teacher and parents, which involves understanding, sharing interests and aspirations with the purpose of personal development of students.


6.1. Children need a leader, a person who can lead them forward, who likes their subject, who teaches it professionally.

6.2. Teachers will be able to develop their own syllabi, select textbooks, methods, strategies, means and tools of education, and actively express their own professional thoughts. The nation will guarantee freedom from intervention into teachers’ professional activity.

6.3. Тeachers will study the learner-centered and competency approaches to management in the educational process, group dynamic psychology, etc.


7.1. Today children want the modern ones; today, children want the creative ones; today, children want teachers who understand them, first and foremost.

7.2. The bureaucratic load will be drastically reduced, including adapting a system of e-document flow (to replace and not to add to the existing documentation). Work at schools will involve the best ones.

8. Fair funding and equal access

8.1. Material incentives will be particularly highlighted. The Draft Law “On Education” contains a provision on upgrading teachers' ranks in the unified pay grading system. Teachers who complete a voluntary independent certification will receive an increase.

9. Focus in the pupil

9.1. The Concept specifically focuses on the introduction of a person-centered model of education based on the ideology of child-centrism. Child centricity is the maximum approximation of the education and upbringing of a particular child to its essence, abilities and life plans.

10. New content

10.1. Typical program support initially studied separately recommended to prepare for the planning and organization of elementary education institution of a single complex training components to achieve learning outcomes, primary educational standards.