1.1. The 5 Standards
1.1.1. Social and Instructional Language
1.1.2. The Language of Language Arts
1.1.3. The Language of Mathematics
1.1.4. The Language of Science EX: Students at all levels of language proficiency ANALYZE the chemical properties of a substance. Interact with words and expressions such as: reactant, endothermic, exothermic, oxidation-reduction, catalyst, single/double displacement reaction. Level 1 ENTERING: Identify variables affecting the chemical reactions using visuals with a partner Level 2 EMERGING: Locate information about chemical reactions using visuals in small groups Level 3 DEVELOPING: Distinguish among chemical reactions using graphic organizer in small groups Level 4 EXPANDING: Categorize reactions using graphic organizers in small groups Level 5 BRIDGING: Draw conclusions about chemical reactions Example Context for Language Use: Investigate the characteristics of substances though expository and narrative texts in preparation to identify unknown chemicals in reactions.
1.1.5. The Language of Social Studies
1.2. Grade Level & Clusters
1.2.1. Individual grade levels from K-8
1.2.2. 9-10
1.2.3. 11-12
1.3. Components of the Standards
1.3.1. CONNECTION Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Content Standards from other states who did not adopt CCSS and NGSS but maintain rigo
1.3.2. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USAGE Task or situation in which communication occurs e.g. students engage in group work Participants of the communication Intended audience MODEL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Meant to be examples not fixed guidelines of the language use during instruction and assessment LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS are the linguistic processes used in receiving or conveying a message. It describes how the ELL process and produce language CONTENT STEM is derived from state and national content standards, including CCSS and NGSS. It denotes that language development should be integrated with content instruction and assessment through meaningful and authentic contexts. SUPPORT is always listed at the end of the MPI and illustrates the importance of scaffolding language development for ELLS
1.3.3. FEATURES OF ACADEMIC LANGUAGE Operate within sociocultural contexts for language usage Performance criteria and features for each dimension
1.3.4. COGNITIVE FUNCTION Learn though participation in tasks within and outside the classroom Understand, evaluate and analyze are examples of cognitive function For example, students need to UNDERSTAND language in the instructions to conduct an experiment. After the experiment, the need to ANALYZE their observations and EVALUATE their original hypothesis. Uses the revised Bloom's Taxonomy to represent the cognitive demand across all levels of language proficiency Uses different levels (1-6) of language proficiency to make sure the process of analysis applies all students regardless of their language proficiency Levels are entering, emerging, developing, expanding, bridging and reaching 4 Language Domains Listening, Writing, Reading, and Speaking Have different levels (1-6) of language proficiency defined by specific criteria WIDA Performance Definitions Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading
1.4. Integrated, Expanded & Complementary Strands
1.4.1. PURPOSE Show how the MPIs are connected to the Performance Definitions Provide concrete examples of language in discourse, sentence, word/phrase dimensions Inform teacher's planning and instructions as they identify language that might be appropriate for their students.
1.4.2. Complimentary strands cover: Language of Music and Performance Arts Language of the Humanities Language of the Visual Arts Language of Health and Physical Education Language of Technology and Engineering
1.5. Grade Level and Clusters
1.5.1. Individual grade levels K-8
1.5.2. 9-10
1.5.3. 11-12
2.1. Framework
2.1.1. STANDARD 1: ELL communicate for social, intercultural, and instructional purposes within the school setting.
2.1.2. STANDARD 2: ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the area of LANGUAGE ARTS
2.1.3. STANDARD 3: ELLs communicate information, ideas, concepts necessary for academic success in the area of MATHEMATICS
2.1.4. STANDARD 4: ELLs communicate information, ideas, concepts necessary for academic success in the area of SCIENCE
2.1.5. STANDARD 5: ELLs communicate information, ideas, concepts necessary for academic success in the area of SOCIAL STUDIES
2.2. Grade Level Clusters
2.2.1. PreK to K are together because the primary focus is on creating a learning environment that nurtures the development of young ELLs
2.2.2. Grades 1-3 are together because these grades are geared toward "learning to read"
2.2.3. Grades 4-5 share the common goal of literacy skills application, which means "reading to learn."
2.2.4. Grades 6-8, ELLs face increased academic and social pressure to perform. There is a widening range of student performance.
2.2.5. Grades 9-12, academic demands are increasingly difficult for ELLs
2.3. Language Domains
2.3.1. LISTENING: active skill, highlight an assortment of listening tasks across standards. Students needs to practice active listening and purposeful listening skills development becomes clear.
2.3.2. SPEAKING: ELLs must engage in oral communication in a variety of situations, for a variety of purposes in wide assortment of settings. Use language in meaningful interactions with others.
2.3.3. READING: ELLs process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols and text with understanding and fluency. It all depends on their literacy level in their native language.
2.3.4. WRITING: ELLs use written communication for a variety of purposes and audiences. Used to express meaning through drawing, symbols, or text. Writing style is influenced by home culture.
2.4. Language Proficiency Levels
2.4.1. L1 STARTING: Limited or no English. Rarely use English for communication. Respond nonverbally to simple commands, statements, and questions. May observe imitations of verbalizations of other using single words or simple phrases. Use English spontaneously. Construct meaning from text primarily though illustrations, graphs, maps, and tables.
2.4.2. L2 EMERGING: Understand phrases and short sentences. Communicate limited information in simple everyday and routine situations by using memorized phrases, groups of words, or formulae. Produce basic errors. Use general academic vocabulary and familiar everyday expressions. Errors in writing are present and hinder communication.
2.4.3. L3 DEVELOPING: Understand more complex speech but require some repetition. Use English spontaneously but have difficulty expressing all thoughts due to limited vocabulary and command of language structure. Speak in simple sentences, marked by grammatical errors. Proficiency in reading may vary considerably.
2.4.4. L4 EXPANDING: Language skills are adequate for most day to day communication needs. Communicate in English in new and unfamiliar settings but have some difficulty with complex structures and abstract academic concepts. Read with considerable fluency and are able to locate and identify the specific facts within the texts. They may not understand the texts which the concepts presented in a decontextualized manner. Able to read independently with occasional comprehension problems when processing grade level information.
2.4.5. L5 BRIDGING: Students express themselves fluently and spontaneously on a wide range of personal, general, academic, or social topics in a variety of contexts. Poised to function with native speaking peers with minimal language support or guidance. Good command of technical and academic vocabulary. Produce clear, smooth flowing, well structured texts of different lengths and degrees of linguistic complexity. Errors are minimal, difficult to spot, and generally corrected when they occur.