SWOT Analysis of my Blog - Subhaan Omran

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SWOT Analysis of my Blog - Subhaan Omran by Mind Map: SWOT Analysis of my Blog - Subhaan Omran

1. Strengths

1.1. - A lot of in depth research into similar products and audience.

1.2. - Generally my posts go into a lot of detail and include a lots of writing.

1.3. - I have a lot of evidence of planning for the final title sequence (shown by the pitch tasks)

1.4. - Pitch Tasks are detailed

2. Weaknesses

2.1. - Limited evidence and reflection of filming sessions

2.2. - No evidence of changes to planning after the pitch (e.g. location changes and updated storyboard & shotlist)

2.3. - I don't think i've made an effort to show a lot of use of different ICT since before health check 1

2.4. - I feel that there are some earlier blog posts that either need improving or to be finished

2.5. - My work tends not to include a lot of pictures/visual content. I mainly rely on writing to communicate my ideas.

2.6. - My blog hasn't been branded in the style of the film that i'm making a title sequence for

3. Threats

3.1. - Being busy and occupied with the task of filming, meant that I personally didn't always take opportunities to get evidence of filming

3.2. - Not always able to effectively communicate with group members for opinions/input on group posts

4. Opportunities

4.1. - I'd probably make use of more different ICT methods if I was a bit more confident in using them, so, I should take the opportunity to learn and use more ICT

4.2. - Take the opportunity to get more evidence and reflection of the production process whilst we're still doing it.

4.3. - Make effective use of media workshops to improve my blog posts and make sure I achieve higher marks