Skills training for affect regulation (for intern family therapists)

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Skills training for affect regulation (for intern family therapists) создатель Mind Map: Skills training for affect regulation (for intern family therapists)

1. CBT

1.1. Automatic thoughts

1.2. Negative core schemas

1.3. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, physiological responses

1.4. Cognitive distortions

1.5. Skills for managing anxiety

1.6. Belief systems

1.7. Restructuring negative core schema

2. Interpersonal neurobiology

2.1. Brain functioning

2.2. Neuroscience and psychotherapy

2.3. Anxious and fearful brain

2.4. Memory

2.4.1. State-dependent nature

2.5. Creating positive memories

2.6. Affect regulation

2.7. Attachment

2.8. Mindfulness

3. Family systems theory

3.1. DSI

3.1.1. Four scales ER IP FO EC

3.2. Emotional process

3.3. Emotional reactivity

3.4. Fusion

3.5. Self-differentiation

4. Countertransference

4.1. Defining countertransference

4.2. What it is/What it is not.

4.3. Views of countertransference

4.4. Origins, triggers, manifestations, management