FAMILY MATTERS: The idea of progress. How does the evolution of society influence family structures?

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FAMILY MATTERS: The idea of progress. How does the evolution of society influence family structures? by Mind Map: FAMILY MATTERS: The idea of progress. How does the evolution of society influence family structures?

1. The evolution of families on TV

1.1. between the 50's and 80's, families on TV were represented as perfect: housewife, heterosexual married couples with children. Those TV shows conveyed conservative values. Propaganda.

1.1.1. Father knows best

1.1.2. Little house on the prairie

1.1.3. The Donna Reed Show

1.1.4. Bewitched

1.2. From the 80's onwards, family models on TV have become more realistic with gay couples, divorced parents, interracial couples, blended families, surrogate mothers...and conflicts between characters. People started to want to identify to the families on TV. TV has become more entertaining

1.2.1. Modern Family

1.2.2. Malcolm in the Middle

1.2.3. Friends

1.2.4. The Simpsons

1.2.5. KUWTK

1.3. The evolution of TV reflects the evolution of society

2. The link between the economy and families

2.1. before the 40's, several families lived under the same roof due to The Great Depression

2.2. during WW2 men were fighting and women were working in men's place. Women gained independence

2.3. after the war men came back : economic boom

2.3.1. GI Bill

2.3.2. construction of highways

2.3.3. creation of suburbs

2.3.4. people wanted a home of their own

2.3.5. the government helped people to buy houses

2.3.6. women became housewives again

2.4. 60's : emancipation of women, contraception, planned parenthood, emergence of a more modern family, divorce, abortion

3. Traditional families

3.1. a nuclear family: an heterosexual couple with children

3.2. The father is the breadwinner

3.3. The mother is the perfect housewife

3.4. gender inequality

3.5. Conservative moral values

4. Breaking family models

4.1. New family structures

4.1.1. interracial couples

4.1.2. blended families

4.1.3. same-sex couples

4.1.4. surrogate mothers

4.1.5. single parents

4.1.6. transexual parents

4.2. New questions raised

4.2.1. what to say to kids about divorce, remarriage, homosexuality ?

4.2.2. how to raise children in a blended family ?

5. Political issues

5.1. 2 opposing visions of the family

5.1.1. democrats more liberal in favor of changes in family structures

5.1.2. republicans have a strict vision of the family in favor of a traditional family model oppose planned parenthood and abortion are really christian