Defending North America

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Defending North America by Mind Map: Defending North America

1. Others are less effusive in their praise, saying that Kennedy was close to having this crisis spin out of control and barely averted a nuclear confrontation.

2. Part of the threat came from nuclear-equipped Soviet submarines operating off the Atlantic coast and the wider eastern seaboard. And because of Canada's military prowess in anti-submarine warfare (ASW), it was expected that the Halifax-based Canadian navy (minus the carrier HMCS Bonaventure, which missed much of the search for Soviet submarines) could assist the U.S. navy in this regard

3. Avoiding a nuclear cataclysm also had profound implications for Canada, since many of the missiles in Cuba could reach into Canadian territory. While much was made at the time of Canadian prime minister John Diefenbaker's unwillingness to immediately accept the U.S. line on the crisis, underscored by the intense personal enmity between Diefenbaker and Kennedy, few are aware of Canada's naval contribution during that nerve-racking period

4. Against

5. For

5.1. Some historians and commentators have described this tense period as Kennedy's "finest hour" and highlighted his decisiveness and adroit leadership

6. For many Canadians, the Avro Arrow has come to symbolize both the potential, and the unfulfilled promise, of Canadian innovation.

7. For many Canadians, the Avro Arrow has come to symbolize both the potential, and the unfulfilled promise, of Canadian innovation. “The Arrow represents a period when Canada stood up on its own and did its own thing,” Paul Squires, a historian with the Canadian Aeronautical Preservation Association, told Global News. “In many ways, it’s become a symbol of the country.”

8. Against

8.1. When it comes to the Avro Arrow, the true regret is what might have been: Flying saucers. Hover cars. A Lunar rover – and even the possibility of a Canadian using it.

9. For

9.1. Fifty-five years ago today, on March 25, 1958, the infamous Avro Arrow made its very first test flight.

9.2. The plane was the crown jewel of Canadian aircraft manufacturer A.V. Roe Canada, better known as Avro, then the third-largest company in Canada. The hypersonic fighter was on the cutting edge of aerospace technology at the time: it could reach a speed nearly three times the speed of sound, travelling at an altitude of 60,000 feet

10. The Scrapping of the Avro Arrow

11. Canada's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis

12. It was during the cold war period that canada began to accept nuclear weapons for only wars.

13. Against

13.1. A lot of killling has been going on when we are peacekeeping becuase we are still in the war but we arent fighting

13.2. All the other countries were fighting with the weapons and since we were around trying to stop the wars so everyone would have peace we got killed a lot for no reason.

14. For

14.1. During the Cold War, Canada was one of the western powers playing a central role in the major alliances. It was an ally of the United States, but there were several foreign policy differences between the two countries over the course of the Cold War

15. Canada's Acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963