multimedia chapter 2
by lim hui shan
1. authoring system
1.1. -Multimedia authoring tools provide the framework needed for organizing and editing multimedia elements in a project. -The three types of authoring tools are card- or page-based, icon-based or event-driven, and time-based. -Choose an authoring tool based on editing, organizing, programming, interactivity, performance tuning, playback, delivery, cross-platform, and Internet playability features.
2. software
2.1. -Word processors and OCR software are used to handle text in multimedia. -Painting and drawing tools, 3-D modeling and animation tools, and image editing tools manipulate the graphical content of the project. -Sound editing tools manipulate the audio content of the project.
3. multimedia skills
3.1. Main roles in the team: -Project Manager -Multimedia Designer -Interface Designer -Writer -Audio/Video Specialist -Multimedia Programmer
4. hardware
4.1. Production platforms -The most significant platforms for producing and delivering multimedia projects are the Macintosh operating system and Microsoft Windows.
5. the intangibles
5.1. Creativity -In a multimedia project, being creative implies knowledge of hardware and software. Organization -It is essential to develop an organized outline detailing the skills, time, budget, tools, and resources needed for the project. Communication -Communication among the workgroup and client is essential to the efficient and accurate completion of your project.
6. Multimedia Development process
6.1. 1.Planning and costing-defines objectives and scope, target users, set the contents, prepare time estimate and a budget, prepare a short prototype or proof-of-concept 2.Designing and Producing 3.Testing- alpha and beta testing 4.Delivering