Real estate in Shanghai

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Real estate in Shanghai создатель Mind Map: Real estate in Shanghai

1. invest in property

1.1. why invest in property

1.1.1. capital gain 10% a year(RBS) leverage 10%

1.1.2. rental income

1.2. what kind of property to invest

1.2.1. house

1.2.2. off the plan

1.2.3. apartment

2. Why invest in Australian property

2.1. immigration

2.2. economy

2.3. retirement

2.4. environment

2.5. well fare

2.6. Chinese population

2.7. Strong economy

2.7.1. Mining

2.7.2. education

2.7.3. Tourism

2.7.4. Agriculture

2.8. stable politics

2.9. culture

2.9.1. small population 20 million

2.10. education