Pedagogical concerns for classroom practice.

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Pedagogical concerns for classroom practice. by Mind Map: Pedagogical concerns for classroom practice.

1. A software programs

1.1. Offer comprehensive effective

1.2. Eficiente languague teaching

1.3. Is able to take the place of a teacher

1.4. the learning and working styles of the participants

1.5. Learning and increased comprehensible input

2. Software objectives

2.1. Improve is an important task for teachers and learners.

2.2. A behaviourist

2.3. A constructivist interface

2.3.1. Of suitable metacognitive frameworks

2.4. The empirical record supports

2.4.1. Inductive approach

2.5. An effective CALL environment

2.5.1. Offer different interfaces

2.5.2. Interfaces to accommodate learning styles different skills

2.6. Include in a classroom

2.6.1. To create contracts for learning An initial level of categories includes basic skills Reading Writing Speaking Listening Sub-categories Micro-skills Vocabulary related Individual needs

3. Making better use of existing materials

3.1. learning materials

3.2. Online learning

3.3. Strategies

3.4. How to use the program

3.4.1. Document using web resources webquest initiative

3.5. tasks to materials

4. Establishing an environment where CALL

4.1. Collaboration at the computer

4.1.1. Supportive environment needs

4.2. computer-aided learning

4.3. collaborative context

4.4. Interactive nature of CALL

5. Evaluating software

5.1. Model of learning featured in a particular

5.2. software packages sold

5.2.1. called learning games

5.2.2. to be properly evaluated

5.2.3. matched with learning needs

5.2.4. by collecting reviews

5.2.5. Professional publications

5.3. classify materials

5.3.1. book

5.3.2. evaluating materials

6. Learning and working styles

6.1. the skills be appropriate

6.2. creative writing

6.3. Learning styles

6.4. Adopt strategies

6.5. Appreciation of personal

6.6. Group dynamics

6.7. Collaborative strategies

6.8. Interpersonal relationships

7. Evolving technology

7.1. To getting involved in CALL

7.2. Lack of funds

7.2.1. Few commercial organizations

7.2.2. ALLP was set up many of the costs

7.2.3. Quality multimedia have been dramatically reduced.

7.2.4. it difficult to interest learners

7.3. Lack of expertise

7.3.1. experts in computer programming

7.3.2. professional products

7.4. Lack of suitable authoring programs

7.4.1. Programs are limited

8. Making better use of existing materials

8.1. technology in the school

8.1.1. including film

8.1.2. radio and television

8.1.3. Multimedia can be used as a new tool hypertext novels

8.2. Determining expertise

8.2.1. investigation

8.2.2. collaborative partners

8.2.3. key Learning objectives

8.2.4. the course turns of conversation collaborative participation, motivation and participation

8.3. Determining the working process

8.3.1. intensive study

8.3.2. using a new software program

8.3.3. examining the tasks answer the questions tasks.

8.4. Determining goals and priorities

8.4.1. computer-based multimedia

8.4.2. new pedagogical problem many materials traditional learning materials

8.4.3. balance task completion

8.5. Perceptions of the technology

8.5.1. technology have an influence

8.5.2. discourages exploration

8.5.3. for negotiation of meaning

9. Copyright and plagiarism

9.1. computer-based information

9.1.1. text

9.1.2. graphics

9.1.3. music or software

9.1.4. images

9.2. Plagiarism using materials

9.2.1. WWW is also common

9.2.2. Being Digital

10. Viruses

10.1. email and can destroy files

10.2. destroy data

10.3. through unsolicited email

10.4. viruses successful

10.4.1. I love you virus

10.5. Thought viruses