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Mibs by Mind Map: Mibs

1. Will Jr.

2. Bobbi

3. Personal information

3.1. 13 years old.

3.2. Does not know her Savvy.

4. Fish

4.1. 1 year older than Mibs

4.2. Savvy = make storms and hurricanes

4.2.1. Moved away from Florida because of his Savvy

5. Rocket

5.1. 17 years old

5.2. Savvy = Controlling electicity

6. Samson

6.1. 7 years old.

6.2. Dark and broody.

6.3. Has a pet dead turtle that he thinks is hibernating.

7. Gypsy

7.1. 3 years old.

8. Momma

8.1. Savvy = Perfect

9. Pappa

9.1. Was in an accident.

9.2. Is in Salina Hospital.