cyber bulling is bulling over the internet

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cyber bulling is bulling over the internet by Mind Map: cyber bulling is bulling over the internet

1. Cyber bullying is when you repeat an action that makes a person uncomfortable or upset. For example, calling people names regularly. -Ruiz

2. CyberBullying is bullying over the internet. - Brent

3. cyber bullying is being mean online . nick

3.1. Cyber bulling is when you are being

3.2. Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that occurs online. -Kaylee Griffin

4. cyber-bullying is when someone gets bullied online. Naed

4.1. cyber-bullying is when someone gets bullied online. Naed

4.2. cyber bullying is repeatedly picking on someone ex: name calling, rude comments on the internet. kaley

4.2.1. Cyber bullying is when you say bad things about someone and are just non stop saying things.Ex.your ugly you wear ugly clothes and shoes. ullman cyber

4.3. Cyber Bullying is repeatedly harassing someone over the internet. ~Marissa Thomas~

4.3.1. Repeated bullying over the internet, for example calling someone names online everyday. -Howell

4.4. bulling on the internet......finch

5. cyber bullying is being mean on the online. nick

6. cyber bulling is bulling over the internet

7. Cyberbullying is bullying except its threw technology such as a cell phone.

8. Cyber bullying is when someone gets bullied on the internet on any device such as computers and touch screen phones(aka mobile phones)-Paul Wetmore

9. Jordan Kusnierz: cyber bullying is bullying over the web.

10. cyber bullying is bullying over the internet.Tyler

11. cyber bullying is a type of bullying but over the enternet and social media for example: posting rude things and hateful comments. schoenthal

12. cyber bullying is when one or more people continue to pick on a person on the web madelyn chandler

13. Cyberbullying is bullying through anything electronic. Townsend

14. Cyber bulling is bullying on the internet-Ralston

15. Cyber bullying is over the internet...Olivia.Y