Savvy Sociogram By Camden Currie: MIBS

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Savvy Sociogram By Camden Currie: MIBS by Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram By Camden Currie: MIBS

1. Gypsy

1.1. Not 13 yet so she can't have her savvy

2. Samson

2.1. Likes to crawl into tight spaces

2.2. Doesn't have his savvy yet

3. Mean girls at school

3.1. Likes to call Mibs misspissy

3.2. Real name Mississippi

4. Miss Rosemary

4.1. She's the wife of the preacher.

4.2. Doig God's work so she thinks she knows what's best for everyone

4.3. Takes care of Mibs when family is gone

5. Grandpa

5.1. savvy is to be able to move and strech land

5.2. Age not determained

6. Will Jr

6.1. disrespects

6.2. Likes Mibs

7. Mibs

7.1. does not know her savvy

7.2. 13 years old

8. Lester

8.1. Unknownage

8.2. Bus driver

9. Rhonda

9.1. One of Listers tattoos

10. Carlene

10.1. Another one of Lesters tattoos

11. Pasture Meeks

11.1. Gets angry easily

12. Rocket

12.1. 17 years old

12.2. Savvy is electricity

13. Fish

13.1. 14 years old

13.2. Savvy is controlling weather

13.3. Does not trust

14. Poppa

14.1. Doesn't know his savvy

14.2. age unknown

15. Mom

15.1. Saavy is being perfect

15.2. Age unkown

16. Bobby

17. Lil

17.1. Lester picked up