Lisa Ventrone-Health Innovation major

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Lisa Ventrone-Health Innovation major by Mind Map: Lisa Ventrone-Health Innovation major

1. Harmony in relation to weekly readings

1.1. Edmonton Chapter 4: Making it safe to team. Encouraging team work.

2. Communication in relation to weekly readings

2.1. Johansson Chapter 2: The rise of intersections. Being able to work together and share ideas about the various areas of interest

3. Developer in relation to weekly readings

3.1. Armson Chapter 8: Understanding systems. Learning how to use systems

4. Discipline in relation to weekly readings

4.1. Johansson Chapter 2: The rise of intersections and Edmonton Chapter 4: Making it safe to team. Working with each other will help to catch the mistakes.

5. Consistency in relation to weekly readings

5.1. Armson Chapter 8: Understanding systems. Practically thinking about how to utilize the systems.

6. Dicipline

6.1. Mistakes depress me so I do not hesitate to check to ensure things are correct

6.2. Self-Organizing and self-repairing--as Kerr mentioned to be an important principle

6.3. Create order and crave a well organized space-- perfectionist

6.4. Have to have an organized environment otherwise I get overwhelmed and start cleaning

7. Communication

7.1. Rather have companions than be alone and support the idea of emergence--everyone brings something to the table to make the overall task a success

7.2. loquacious-fond of talking. Talk about plans thoroughly for full understanding

7.3. Apt to telling elaborate stories about my personal adventures

8. Developer

8.1. Caring and Nurturing

8.2. Able to identify the potential and specialties of individuals--especially children (or those learning)

8.3. Enjoy learning new things

9. Consistency

9.1. Practical Thinker

9.2. Follow guidelines or regulations to meet the standards of tasks

9.3. Finish tasks completely before moving on

10. Harmony

10.1. Business like

10.2. Do not deal with nonsense well--goofing off while trying to accomplish/complete tasks

10.3. Realist