Potential problems and solutions

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Potential problems and solutions by Mind Map: Potential problems and solutions

1. My sister and I are quite close; she's graduating next year and I would like to make something which she could keep as a reminder of me.

1.1. A small 3-D printed animal head or body could also work for this problem.

1.2. A square with engravings of different things on each side. Each side being a memory or something meaningful.

1.3. A photo collage assembled in a creative way, which is also easy to transport if she decides to take it with her.

2. My sister's work space is quite bland and she's looking for a way to make it more personalized, but doesn't know how or what she could add to it.

2.1. I could create a small 3-D printed animal head or body which stands on its own.

2.2. A decorated, contrasting lamp would add more of a personal touch to her working space, while also improving her lighting if need be.

3. I use headphones everyday, but don't have an adequate space to store them.

3.1. I create a stand or a adequate place to store them along with other objects I use in my everyday life.

4. I love dogs and I'm very close to them. I had 2 dogs, but one of them passed away recently. I would like a way which would remind me of of them, always keeping them close.

4.1. A photo collage that is completely unique, showing casing the moments growing up with both of them.

4.2. 3-D printed stand(s) with my dogs on them.