Evans-Mibs Sociogram

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Evans-Mibs Sociogram by Mind Map: Evans-Mibs Sociogram

1. Poppa

1.1. Dad of Fish, Rocket and MIbs

1.2. Has no savvy

2. Will Junior

2.1. Friend of MIbs

3. Mom

3.1. Mom of Fish, Rocket and Mibs

3.2. Savvy-Perfectionist

4. Samson

4.1. Mib's Younger Brother

4.2. Will get savvy when older

5. Grandpa

5.1. Grandpa of Mibs

5.2. Has savvy to make new places.

6. Gypsy

6.1. Younger sister of Mibs

6.2. Will get a savvy in the future.

7. Miss Rosemary

7.1. Mom of Bobbie Meek, Will Junior and wife of a preacher.

7.2. Has no savvy and never will

8. Bobbi Meeks

8.1. Sister of Will Junior and daughter of Miss Rosemary.

8.2. No savvy and never will

9. Lill

9.1. Was a waitress at a cafe, helping Mibs out.

9.2. Will never get a savvy.

10. Lester

10.1. A delivery man, driving Mibs to Salina.

10.2. Will never get a savvy.

11. Fish

11.1. Mib's Brother

11.2. His Savvy is he creates weather

11.3. He is a little bit older than Mibs

12. Rocket

12.1. Mib's Brother

12.2. His savvy is make electricty

12.3. Older brother of Mibs