1. Refrences
1.1. Richard Li-Hua, (2007) "What is technology?", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 Iss: 3 Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/doi/full/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001 What is 'technology'? (2000). Far Eastern Economic Review, 163(15), 78. Retrieved from http://login.library.sheridanc.on.ca/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/docview/208238510?accountid=3455 Friedel, R. (2002). Food for thought. Technology and Culture, 43(4), 842-845. Retrieved from http://login.library.sheridanc.on.ca/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/docview/198434211?accountid=3455 TED. (2010, February, 22) Kevin Kell tells technology's epic story. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4 Primitive Technology. (2015, September, 4) Primitive Technology: Tiled Roof Hut. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P73REgj-3UE
2. Pre-Reading
2.1. How I saw Technology
2.1.1. I see technology as something that we create to fulfill a purpose or make life easier, something that someone made.
3. Post-Reading
3.1. What I Think of Technology Now
3.1.1. Before I Imagined Technology as mainly things that people made, and for better or worse my new definition is more broad. Now I see Technology as something more like change, not any change but change that affects how we live and how the world around us works. Without invention and the technologies humans have made the earth would have still changed, as various species died out and new ones emerged. Various cosmic phenomena would still occur but humans living on earth would likely still act as they did before any invention occurred. Life would be the same routine for all eternity. If a devastating event did happen then humans would either have to adapt or would die out, and that adaptation and change would be undoubtedly be assisted by technology.
4. In Reading: What is Technology?
4.1. In Layterms
4.1.1. Many people see technology as exclusively electronics, myself as well for many years. Richard Li-Hua finds that the word technology "generally refers to what has been described as the “high-tech” or high-technology industries ... Technology includes more than machines, processes and inventions." (2007)
4.2. In Depth
4.2.1. It is easy to say that technology is more than just electronics, but that is not to say it is a specific thing greater than just electronics. Greek Origins The Origins of the word give a litteral description, "Technology" is derived by joining two Greek words, "techne" and "logos." Techne can easily be rendered into English as art, craft or method. Logos, however, has no English equivalent, though the sense of its meaning can be explained as a principle of reason, ratio, account or balance. The definition of the hybrid word, "technology," then, is an ordered principle guiding how something is made. (Far Eastern Economic Review, 163.15, April 13, 2000) Various Descriptions There are varying descriptions of technology. In Li-Hua's article many are brought up such as "'a bundle of information, rights and services'"(2007) and "'the information necessary to achieve a certain production outcome from a particular mean of combining or processing selected inputs'"(2007). From simply the information being present to the information being put into action. Technology Through time Kevin Kelly Tells Technology's Epic Story This video by the Primitive Technology channel gives a good reference to technology going beyond just electronics.
4.3. Understanding Technology
4.3.1. Technology is a hard thing to place a firm definition on, in Friedel's article this is emphasized with his spaghetti metaphor and whether spaghetti is less technology than more traditional items, "Is it because [the spaghetti] is ephemeral, made to be quickly consumed? But light bulbs, textiles, and fuels, ... are made to be used up" (2002, p. 843). Yet with such openness to what technology could be, we are do not lose our capability to label things as technology. Two people could likely come to agreement that the wheel and a smartphone are both technology, even if we still can't figure out the spaghetti.