Technology Standards for Education

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Technology Standards for Education by Mind Map: Technology Standards for Education

1. ICT Program of Studies

1.1. Digital Citizenship - Students display ethical understanding of the use of technology.

1.2. Creative Communicator - Students able to be creative when communicating information through a variety of different technological tools.

1.3. Computational Thinker - Technology assists students in problem solving.

1.4. Foundational Operations, Knowledge and Concepts - Students are able to display the ability to operate technology with a variety of digital tools/ resources.

1.5. Process of Productivity - Students have the basic knowledge and understanding of technology.

2. Learning and Technology Policy Framework

2.1. Policy Direction # 1 - Student Centred Learning - The use of technology is to personalize students learning and encourage student-centred learning.

2.2. Policy Direction #3 - professional Learning - Teachers are prepared/comfortable with technology and use digital resources effectively to accommodate student-centred learning.

2.3. Policy Direction # 4 - Leadership - Demonstrate effective and efficient usage of digital resources is exemplified in an educational leader.

2.4. Policy Direction # 2 Research and Innovation- Teachers must stay up to date with current research and technology to be able to support student-centred learning.

2.5. Policy Direction # 4 - Leadership - Educational leader is up to date with standard of technology and the approach to student-centred learning

3. ISTE for Students

3.1. Knowledge Constructor - Students explore real-world issues, and develop answers and solutions using technological tools.

3.2. Digital Citizen - Student employs safe, legal conducts when using digital tools and resources.

3.3. Creative Communicator - Students are able to creativley communicate clearly through the use of digital sources.

3.4. Computational Thinker - Using technology available to them, students are able to produce strategies and problem solve effectively.

3.5. Empowered Learner - Students are encouraged to use technology enriched resources for learning to express their own goals and learning outcomes.

3.6. Empowered Learner - Students understand the fundamentals of technology and its operations and are able to problem solve when needed.

4. ISTE for Teachers

4.1. Inspire Student Learning - Encourage students to inquire real-world issues and answer these problems using digital resources.

4.2. Digital Citizenship - exemplifies safe safe, ethical conduct when using digital technology.

4.3. Design and Develop Digital Age learning Experiences - Customize learning activities to accommodate different learning styles of students, and abilities to use digital resources.

4.4. Engage in Professional Growth - Teachers exemplify effective use of technology using digital resources to assist students in student-centred learning.

4.5. Engage in Leadership - teacher exemplifies strong leadership in the classroom by encouraging efficient usage of technological tools and resources.

4.6. Engage in Personal Growth - Teachers must stay up to date with the latest research on digital tools and resources, so they can support student-centred learning.

4.7. Design and Develop Digital Age learning Experience - Teachers create a technology enriched learning environment that allows students to explore their own goals and involves them in their learning.