1. Creativity
1.1. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and make a Mind Meister. I thought it would be good to try something new, as I'm used to make power points and prezis, and this is my first time using this website. I'm usually very good with figuring out how to work things on my own, but for some reason I'm having difficulty adjusting to this site and the use of it. I do like everything about it and how it's set up, I just find it slightly confusing, but I'm sure with a bit more practice I'll be able to master this website and the use of it and be able to express my creativity even more so.
2. References
2.1. Microsoft. (2014, February 02). Microsoft 2014 Super Bowl Commercial: Empowering Retrieved from : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaOvHKG0Tio
2.2. Ted Talks. (2010, February 22). Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4&t=318s
3. What I thought Technology was
4. Before taking a look at Module one and reading through the course content, I never really thought deeply about what Technology is. It surprised me as I've been surrounded by it my entire life, but I've never actually become accustomed to what the true definition of what Technology is. Thinking about Technology now, and if someone were to ask me to define it I would most likely inform them that Technology is almost an advanced form of communication created by man so that people may share, view, create and express new information.The forms of technology that I'm familiar with are telephones, televisions, computers, radio's, lightbulbs, etc. Though my definition of it may not be completely accurate, those are the first things that come to mind when describing Technology.
5. What I know now
5.1. After reading over Module one and watching the videos attached to it, I've come to terms that Technology is more then what meets the eye. It's more then the basic tools that we use everyday such as cell phones, laptops, radios, etc. Technology plays such an important role in our everyday lives, In the TED TALKS video speaker Kevin Kelly explains, " What is technology?"( Ted Talk 2010). In the video Mr. Kelly can be heard making many references to technology and the enormous effect it has on the society that we live in. At one part of the video Kevin is heard saying, " Technology is now one of the most powerful sources in the world."(Ted Talk 2010) Kevin then continues on saying, "Technology is such a large force that has been released to this planet, that it is starting to become who we are."(Ted Talks 2010) Kevin is basically stating that everyone's lives are so involved and wrapped up with technology, that without it we would not be able to survive. Without the basic necessities that Technology provides we would not be able to prosper as a race. The simple things such as light, clocks and cell phones, etc, already have such a big impact on our lives.
5.1.1. Provided in this Module was another video called," Microsoft's 2014 Super Bowl Commercial: Empowering"(Microsoft, 2014). In this video it shows to it's viewers all the beautiful aspects and positive things that technology can do, weather it be letting a deaf person hear again, or connecting a father and child online through FaceTime, their are so many great things that can happen with technology. The possibilities and opportunities to create with technology are endless. The video reminds us that with how advanced our technology is we can help so many people around us, especially the young and sick. Technology is helping in shaping people's lives.
5.1.2. After Reading the course content and watching the videos my definition and perspective of Technology has greatly changed. As I posted earlier, I thought of technology just as the tools we use to share and communicate with others. Watching and reading about technology has really opened my eyes, it allows me to see how influential technology is in our lives and all the great things we can achieve with it. Before I would always take advantage of being able to have access to technology, but learning all these new things allows me to remind myself of all the benefits there is to technology, and all the things that can be achieved from it.