Yanet's Self-Portrait

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Yanet's Self-Portrait by Mind Map: Yanet's Self-Portrait

1. Personal Values

1.1. Achievement

1.2. Ambition

1.3. Balance (home/work)

1.4. Financial stability

1.5. Friendship

1.6. Humor/fun

1.7. Leadership

1.8. Personal Growth

1.9. Teamwork

1.10. well-being (physical/ emotional/ mental/ spiritual)

2. O*Net

2.1. Realistic: Work that includes practical, hands-on problems and answers (0)

2.2. Investigative: Work that has to do with ideas and thinking rather than physical activity or leading people (12)

2.3. Artistic: Work that deals with the artistic side of things, such as acting, music, art, and design. (3)

2.4. Social: Working with others to help them learn and grow (17)

2.5. Enterprising: Work that has to do with starting up and carrying out business projects (13)

2.6. Conventional: Work that follows set procedures and routines (0)

3. Multiple Intelligence

3.1. Bodily-Kinesthetic

3.1.1. Using the physical body skillfully and to take in knowledge through bodily sensation; coordination, working with hands 16 (Moderately developed)

3.2. Visual-Spatial

3.2.1. Understand spatial relationships and to take to perceive and create images; visual art, graphic design, charts and maps 14 (Moderately developed)

3.3. Verbal-Linguistic

3.3.1. Communicate through language; listening, reading, writing, speaking 15 (Moderately developed)

3.4. Logical-Mathematical

3.4.1. Understand logical reasoning and problem solving; math, science, patterns, sequences 13 (Moderately developed)

3.5. Musical

3.5.1. Comprehend and create meaningful sound; sensitivity to music and musical patterns 13 (Underdeveloped)

3.6. Interpersonal

3.6.1. Relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations, and feelings; social activity, cooperative learning, teamwork 19 (Moderately developed)

3.7. Intrapersonal

3.7.1. Understand one's own behavior and feelings; self-awareness, independence, time spent alone 17 (Moderately developed)

3.8. Naturalistic

3.8.1. Ability to identify, classify species or items, often incorporating high interest in elements of the natural environment 10 (Moderately developed)

4. Preferred Teaching Styles

4.1. Lecture, verbal focus

4.1.1. Teacher speaks to the class/moderately preferable

4.2. Lecture with group discussion

4.2.1. Teacher introduces material then allows class to discuss it/Preferable

4.3. Small Groups

4.3.1. Teacher introduces material then breaks class into small groups for discussion/work/ preferable

4.4. Logical Presentation

4.4.1. Teacher organizes topic in a logical way by some sort of sequence/less preferable

4.5. Random Presentation

4.5.1. Teacher presents topics with no order /less preferable

4.6. Conceptual Presentation

4.6.1. Teacher spends a majority of the time on key ideas/points/ preferable

4.7. Detailed Presentation

4.7.1. Teacher introduces key ideas and also goes into detail with them/ moderately preferable

4.8. Hands-on presentation

4.8.1. Teacher uses props, demonstrations, and experiments to show key ideas/ preferable

4.9. Visual Focus

4.9.1. Teacher uses visual elements to explain a topic/ highly preferable

5. Preferred Study Strategies

5.1. Verbal- Linguistic/preferred

5.1.1. Read text; highlight selectively

5.1.2. Outline chapters

5.2. Musical- Rhythmic/ moderately preferred

5.2.1. Create rhythms out of words

5.2.2. Write songs/raps that help you learn concepts

5.3. Logical- Mathematical/ less prefferable

5.3.1. Organize material logically

5.3.2. Develop systems and find patterns

5.4. Visual- Spatial/ prefferable

5.4.1. Develop graphic organizers for new material

5.4.2. Use color in your notes for organization

5.5. Bodily- Kinesthetic/ less preferrable

5.5.1. Move while you learn;pace and recite

5.5.2. Act out scripts of material

5.6. Intrapersonal/less preferable

5.6.1. Reflect on personal meaning of information

5.6.2. Keep a journal/Study in quiet areas

5.7. Interpersonal/preferrable

5.7.1. Study in a group

5.7.2. Teach someone else the material

5.8. Naturalistic/preferrable

5.8.1. Break down information into categories

5.8.2. Look for relationships among ideas, events, facts

6. SuccessfuI Intelligence

6.1. Analytical Thinking Skills (Ability to visualize, articulate, conceptualize or solve both complex and uncomplicated problems): 37/50

6.2. Creative Thinking Skills (A way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that suggests unorthodox solutions): 35/50

6.3. Practical Thinking Skills (considering ways to adapt to your environment, or changing your environment to fit you, so that you are able to pursue a goal.): 40/50

7. Emotional Intelligence: 65/100

7.1. Recognize others feelings

7.2. Work well under pressure

7.3. Make decisions based on positively

8. Personality Spectrum

8.1. Thinker (Moderate Tendency)

8.1.1. Problem Thinker

8.1.2. Realistic/ Logical/ Dispassionate

8.2. Organizer ( Strong Tendency)

8.2.1. Planning/Detailed

8.2.2. Dependable/Administrative

8.3. Giver ( Strong Tendency)

8.3.1. Caring/Trusting

8.3.2. Peacemaker

8.4. Adventurer ( Strong Tendency)

8.4.1. Risking

8.4.2. Impulsive/Competitive

9. Building Excellence Learning Styles

9.1. Perceptual

9.1.1. Auditory-Moderate

9.1.2. Visual Picture- Moderate

9.1.3. Visual Word- Moderte

9.1.4. Tactual- It depends

9.1.5. Kinesthetic- It depends

9.1.6. Advictory Verbal- Moderate

9.2. Environmental

9.2.1. Sound- It depends

9.2.2. Light- Strong

9.2.3. Temperature- Moderate

9.2.4. Seating- It depends

9.3. Sociological

9.3.1. Alone- It depends

9.3.2. Pair- Moderate

9.3.3. Small group- Moderate

9.3.4. Large group- Moderate

9.3.5. Authority- Strong

9.3.6. Variety- Moderate