Trauma & Mindfulness

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Trauma & Mindfulness by Mind Map: Trauma & Mindfulness

1. Trauma & Education Policy

1.1. Ann Holton, VA Sec of ED

1.2. US Senate: Patty Murray (D-WA),

1.3. US Senate Susan Collins (R-Maine)

1.4. US Senate Al Franken (D-MN)

1.5. US Senate Tim Kaine (D-VA)

1.6. US Senate Chris Murphy (D-CT) Newtown

1.7. US Senate Bob Casey (D-PA)

2. Child Trauma Concepts

2.1. collapsed self - Julian Ford

2.2. fundamental developmental tasks - Building Blocks for Learning - T4C - Stafford-Brizzard

2.3. integration of PFC - Daniel Siegel

2.4. architecture of the brain- Jack Shonkoff, Harvard Center on the Developing Child

3. Cost Benefit Analysis

3.1. Juvenile Justice System

3.2. Mental Health

3.3. Addictions

3.4. High School Drop Outs

3.5. Community Violence

4. Foundations/Funders

5. Mind & Life Institute,

6. Poverty

6.1. Pam Cantor T4C

7. Neuroscience

7.1. Bessel Van der Kolk

7.1.1. Trauma Center at JRI, Medical Director

7.2. Julian Ford

7.2.1. Advanced Trauma Solutions

7.2.2. TARGET

7.3. Daniel Siegel

7.3.1. UCLA Mindful Awareness Center

7.3.2. UCLA Mindsight Institute

7.4. Margaret Blaustein, Trauma Center

7.4.1. ARC Treatment Model

7.4.2. Child Trauma Special Interest Group ISTSS

7.4.3. Complex Trauma Task Force NCTSN

7.5. Richard Davidson (see below)

8. Education

8.1. Urban

8.1.1. Stephen Leff, MD at CHOPS Violence Prevention Initiative at CHOP

8.2. Trauma Informed Schools - Boston

8.3. TurnAround for Children T4C

8.3.1. Dr. Pam Cantor

8.3.2. Brigid Ahern, CO External Affairs

8.3.3. Wheatley School, DC

9. Mindfulness

9.1. BK Bose, Nigora Institute, Oakland, CA

9.2. Christine Mason, CEI and HCL

9.3. Richard Davidson, U of WI

9.3.1. Center for Investigating Healthy Minds

9.3.2. Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior

9.4. Paul Gilbert

9.4.1. Compassion Focused Therapy, UK

9.5. Brooke Dodson Lavelle, Courage to Care

9.6. Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Stanford Univ