1. Oropharyngeal and Gastrointestinal System Pathologies
1.1. Dental problems
1.2. Dysphagia
1.3. Hiatal Hernia
1.3.1. Part of your stomach pushes upward through the diaphragm
1.4. Esophageal Cancer
1.5. Peptic Ulcer Disease
1.5.1. Peptic ulcers develop on the inside of the stomach lining and the upper portion of the small intestine
1.6. Cancer of the Stomach
1.7. Diverticular Disease
1.7.1. Small, bulging pouches that form in the lining of the digestive system
1.8. Colorectal Cancer
1.8.1. Cancer of the large intestine
1.9. Intestinal Obstruction
1.9.1. Blockage that keeps food or liquid from passing through the intestines
1.10. Acute Appendicitis
1.11. Pancreatic Cancer
1.12. Biliary Tract Disease
1.12.1. Inflammation of the gall bladder that develops in the setting of an obstructed cystic or bile duct
2. Renal and Genitourinary Systems
2.1. Decline of renal blood flow
2.2. Glomerular filtration decreased by 50% by age 90
2.3. Reduced bladder capacity
2.4. Nocturia
2.5. Hypertrophy and thickening of the bladder muscle
2.6. Kidney filtration ability decreases
3. Oropharyngeal and Gastrointestinal Systems
3.1. Less acute taste sensations
3.2. Decreased esophageal motility
3.3. Atrophy of the small and large intestines
3.4. Increased risk of aspiration, indigestion and constipation
4. Musculoskeletal System
4.1. Thinning disks and shortened vertebrae
4.2. Reduced muscle mass, strength and movement
4.3. Decreased bone mineral and mass
4.4. Diminished calcium absorption
4.5. Increased risk of fractures
4.6. Decreased body strength
4.7. Connective tissue changes
4.8. Sarcopenia
5. Immune System
5.1. Cell-mediated immunity declines
5.2. T-cell activity declines
5.3. Risk for infection becomes significant
5.4. Inflammatory defenses decline
5.5. Inflammation presents atypically
6. Immune system Pathologies
6.1. Influenza
6.1.1. Highly contagious viral infections of the respiratory passages
6.2. Measles, mumps, rubella
6.2.1. Highly contagious respiratory infection
6.3. Hepatitis A and B
6.3.1. Virus that affects the liver
6.4. Lupus
6.4.1. Inflammation of the skin
7. Renal and Genitourinary System Pathologies
7.1. Bladder Cancer
7.1.1. Cancer that begins in the bladder, often occurs in the cells that line the inside of the bladder
7.2. Renal calculi
7.2.1. Small, hard mineral deposits that form inside your kidney get stuck inside the urinary tract
7.3. Glomerulonephritis
7.3.1. Inflammation of the glomeruli
8. Musculoskeletal System Pathologies
8.1. Fractures
8.2. Osteoarthritis
8.2.1. Degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone
8.3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
8.3.1. Inflammation in the joints resulting in painful deformity and immobility
8.4. Osteoporosis
8.4.1. Bone becomes brittle and fragile from loss of tissue
8.5. Gout
8.5.1. Excess uric acid accumulates in the blood
8.6. Podiatric Conditions
9. Endocrine System
9.1. Thyroid gland atrophies and activity decreases
9.2. Diminished adrenal function
9.3. ACTH secretion decreases
9.4. Volume of pituitary gland decreases
9.5. Insufficient release of insulin and reduced tissue sensitivity to circulating insulin
10. Endocrine System Pathologies
10.1. Type 2 diabetes
10.1.1. Affects the way the body processes glucose
10.2. Hypothyroidism
10.2.1. Subnormal concentration of thyroid hormone
10.3. Hyperthyroidism
10.3.1. Excessive amounts of thyroid hormone
11. Sensory System
11.1. Presbyopia
11.2. Reduced pupil size
11.3. Opacification of the lens and vitreous
11.4. Loss of photoreceptors
11.5. Increased sensitivity to glare
11.6. Distortion in death perception
11.7. Impacted cerumen
11.8. Number of functioning taste buds decreased
11.9. Pressure not sensed as easily
11.10. Olfactory function loss
12. Sexuality
12.1. Symptom Management
12.1.1. Need for effective management of physical aspects
12.1.2. Nursing knowledge related to menopause is essential (estrogen loss)
12.2. Hormone therapy
12.2.1. Estrogen and progestin increases heart risks
12.2.2. Individual decision for treatment
13. Sleep
13.1. Less sleep is common
13.2. Common sleep disorders
13.2.1. Insomnia
13.2.2. Sleep apnea
13.2.3. Restless leg syndrome
13.3. Drugs can affect sleep
13.4. Important to promote sleep
14. Pulmonary System Pathologies
14.1. Asthma
14.1.1. Lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways
14.2. Chronic bronchitis
14.2.1. Bronchial tubes become inflamed
14.3. Emphysema
14.3.1. Aveoli are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness
14.4. Lung cancer
14.4.1. Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start in one or both lunges in cells that line the air passages
14.5. Lung abscess
14.5.1. Necrosis of the lung tissue and formation of cavities containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection
15. Nervous System
15.1. Decline in weight and blood flow to brain
15.2. Reduction in neurons, nerve fibers and cerebral blood flow
15.3. Slower response to change in balance
15.4. Changes in sleep patterns with frequent awakening
16. Cardiovascular System
16.1. Heart dimensions are unchanged
16.2. Heart muscle loses efficiency and contractile strength
16.3. Reduced cardiac output with physiologic stress
16.4. Valves become thick and rigid
16.5. Blood vessels reduce elasticity
16.6. Oxygen used less efficiently
16.7. Myocardial muscle less efficient
16.8. Calcification, reduced elasticity of vessels
17. Pulmonary System
17.1. Calcification of costal cartilage, trachea and rib cage more rigid
17.2. Reduction of cough and laryngeal reflexes
17.3. Increased residual capacity and reduced vital capacity
17.4. High risk for respiratory infection
17.5. Respiratory problems develop easily
17.6. Lungs reduce in size and weight
17.7. Decreased elastic recoil
17.8. Loose or brittle teeth can be aspired
18. Cardiovascular System Pathologies
18.1. Hypertension
18.1.1. BP >120/80
18.2. Hypotension
18.2.1. BP<120/80
18.3. Congestive HF
18.3.1. Heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should
18.4. Coronary artery disease
18.4.1. Develops when the major blood vessels that supply your heart become damaged or diseased, plaque and inflammation are usually to blame for this
18.5. Hyperlipidemia
18.5.1. Elevated cholesterol levels
18.6. Arrhythmias
18.6.1. Occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeats don't work properly, causing the heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly
18.7. Peripheral Vascular Disease
18.7.1. Narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to limbs
19. Nervous system Pathologies
19.1. Parkinsons Disease
19.1.1. Progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement, develops gradually, starting with tremors
19.2. Transient Ischemic Attacks
19.2.1. Like stroke, but lasting only a few minutes and causing no permanent damage
19.3. Cerebrovascular Accident
19.3.1. Sudden death of some brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery in the brain
20. Spirituality
20.1. Love
20.1.1. People need to feel that they are cared for
20.2. Meaning/Purpose
20.2.1. Healthy psychological aging for the older adult involves achieving a sense of integrity
20.3. Hope
20.3.1. Expectation for the future
20.4. Dignity
20.4.1. Search for self worth
20.5. Forgiveness
20.5.1. Forgiving and accepting forgiveness is healing
20.6. Gratitude
20.6.1. Being appreciative
20.7. Transcendence
20.7.1. People need to feel that there is a reality beyond themselves
20.8. Faith
20.8.1. Religious/spiritual beliefs
21. Integumentary System
21.1. Flattening of dermal-epidermal junction
21.2. Reduced thickness and vascularity of the dermis
21.3. Reduction of epidermal turnover
21.4. Degeneration of elastic fibers
21.5. Increased coarseness of collagen
21.6. Reduction in melanocytes
22. Integumentary System Pathologies
22.1. Pruritus
22.1.1. Severe itching of skin
22.2. Keratosis
22.2.1. Type of skin growth
22.3. Skin Cancer
22.4. Vascular Lesions
22.4.1. Malformations of capillaries, veins, lymphatic vessels or arteries
22.5. Stasis Dermatitis
22.5.1. Inflammatory skin disease that occurs on the lower extremities
22.6. Pressure Ulcers
22.6.1. Tissue anoxia and ischemia result in necrosis, sloughing and tissue ulceration
23. Sensory system Pathologies
23.1. Cataracts
23.1.1. Clouding of the lens of transparency
23.2. Glaucoma
23.2.1. Damage to optic nerve from above normal intraocular pressure
23.3. Macular Degeneration
23.3.1. Damage or breakdown of macula leading to loss of central vision
23.4. Detached Retina
23.4.1. Forward placement of retina
23.5. Corneal Ulcer
23.5.1. Inflammation of the cornea accompanied by loss of substance
23.6. Prebycusis
23.6.1. Age related hearing loss
23.7. Otosclerosis
23.7.1. Abnormal growth of bone near middle ear
23.8. Tinnitus
23.8.1. Ringing in ear