1. Where are we coming from?
1.1. First prototypes in 1999 written in Python/ZOPE
1.2. From one man show to contributions based project
1.2.1. visualisation in gource
1.3. HQ team
1.4. Contributors
1.4.1. Individual developers
1.4.2. Institutions Moodle Partners Universities
2. Where are we now?
2.1. Short overview of Moodle 2.0 improvements and new features
2.2. Switched from central based CVS repository to Git
2.2.1. But the technology is not important
2.2.2. Processes are!
2.3. Pull requets + review + testing
3. Where are we going to?
3.1. Activity modules
3.1.1. Forum module
3.1.2. Question engine rewritten
3.1.3. Book like activity in the core
3.1.4. and others
3.2. Gradebook
3.2.1. Specify how should it behave in edge cases aggregating hidden grades
3.2.2. Interfaces back to modules
3.2.3. Outcomes
3.3. Usability and UI
3.3.1. AJAX
3.4. Improved authentication framework
3.4.1. Single Sign On Google Facebook University account ...
3.5. Web services
3.5.1. Integration with external systems
3.5.2. Future of MNet
3.6. Mobile access
3.6.1. Not parsing the current HTML output
3.6.2. but direct access via web services
3.6.3. can work asynchonously allows offline mode
3.6.4. task oriented not course-format oriented
3.6.5. touch based interface no mouse