My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Chapter 7: Curriculum & Pedagogy

1.1. Lesson or Series Title

1.2. Goals of Each Lesson

1.3. Objectives

1.4. Content

1.5. Method of Instruction

1.6. Method of Evaluation

2. Chapter 8: Equality of Opportunity

3. Chapter 9: Educational Inequality

4. Chapter 10: Educational Reform

5. Chapter 2: Politics of Education

5.1. Purposes of Education

5.1.1. Intellectual Purpose Intellectual Purpose of school is to educate basic knowledge such as you cognitive skills.

5.1.2. Political Purpose Political Purpose of school is to educate those who will participate in the politics and those who will be affected by politics. This includes the education of our laws and rules of society.

5.1.3. Social Purpose Social Purpose of school is to allow children to grow socially and become members of society.

5.1.4. Economical Purpose Economical Purpose of school is to prepare students for career paths and life beyond school.

5.2. Perspectives

5.2.1. The Role of the School The role of school is the combination of all the perspectives and going going for one goal, which is education in today's society.

5.2.2. Explanations of Unequal Performance Explanations of unequal performances is an explanation as to why students from various socioeconomic backgrounds perform so differently from one another, especially in the lower class groups.

5.2.3. Definition of Educational Problems The definition of educational problems is the combination of all the perspective arguments.

6. Chapter 5: Philosophy of Education

6.1. Pragmatism World View

6.1.1. Generic notes Pragmatism comes from the Greek word pragma, meaning work. Pragmatic Schema: (Problem>Speculative Thought>Action>Results) Dewey's Form of pragmatism-instrumentalism and experimentalism-was founded on the new psychology, behaviorism, and the philosophy of pragmatism.

6.1.2. Key researchers The Founders of Pragmatism are George Sanders Pierce, William James, and John Dewey,

6.1.3. Goal of Education Dewey stressed that the school be a place where ideas can be implemented, challenged, and reconstructed, with the goal of providing students with the knowledge of how to improve the social order.

6.2. Pragmatism World View Part 2

6.2.1. Role of Teacher The teacher is not the authoritarian figure from which all knowledge flows: rather, the teachers assumes the peripheral position of facilitator.

6.2.2. Method of Instruction He believed that children can learn in groups and individually, and the method of problem-solving.

6.2.3. Curriculum A balance of the child's needs and curiosity, and traditional discipline.

7. Chapter 6: Schools as Organizations

7.1. Major Stakeholders

7.1.1. Alabama Senators Alabama's current senators are Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby.

7.1.2. House of Representatives District 1: Byrne, Bradley - Armed Services & Education and the Workforce Rules District 2: Roby, Martha - Appropriations the Judiciary District 3: Rogers, Mike – Agriculture, Armed Services, & Homeland Security District 4: Aderholt, Robert - Appropriations District 5: Brooks, Mo - Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, & Science, Space, and Technology District 6: Palmer, Gary - Oversight and Government, Science, Space, and Technology, & the Budget District 7: Sewell, Terri A. - Intelligence (Permanent) & Ways and Means

7.1.3. State Superientendent The State Education Superintendent is Tommy Bice.

7.1.4. State School Board Representative Marry Scott Hunter is the district 8 representative for DeKalb County.

7.1.5. DeKalb County Superintendent DeKalb County Superintendent is Jason Barnett

7.1.6. DeKalb County Board of Education Members DeKalb County Board of Education Members are the following: Jeff Williams, Randy Peppers, Matt G. Sharp, Mark Richards, and Robert Elliott

7.2. Elements of Change

7.2.1. Conflicts Conflicts is a major part of change. Conflicts arise new issues and problems that can be resolved to better the school.

7.2.2. New behaviors New behaviors and new relationships must be formed to create change and new techniques within the system.

7.2.3. Team Building Team Building is a major part of a growing school. The staff of the school must be able to share ideas and techniques.

7.2.4. Contents and processes Contents and processes are correlated. You must have a process in place for content to succeed.

8. Chapter 3: History of U.S. Education

8.1. Reform Movement: Civil Rights Movement

8.1.1. Segregation began

8.1.2. Scholarship opportunities for minority

8.1.3. Options for all students in school and after

8.2. The Radical - Revisionist Interpretation

8.2.1. Pessimistic view

8.2.2. They argued that the lower class and minority did not gain opportunities with educational expansion

8.2.3. The view of educational expansion contained many conflicts and did not focus on equity.

8.2.4. They believe the upper class benefited from the expanison

9. Chapter 4: Sociological Perspectives

9.1. Theoretical Perspective

9.1.1. Functionalism The thought that society works as a machine. Each party counteracts with one another for society to function. The machine must work well and have well cohesion.

9.1.2. Conflict Theory The thought that their must be difference between the classes of society.

9.1.3. Interactionalism The critique of both conflict and functionalism theories. Internationalism is to analyze to understand society.

9.2. 5 Effects of Schooling

9.2.1. Employment Schooling creates better opportunities for employment

9.2.2. Teacher Behavior Teachers have a huge affect on the behavior and learning just from the teachers's behavior and time spent with the students.

9.2.3. Inadequate Schools Schools that are not equipped with the materials and teachers create inequalities.

9.2.4. Gender There are many gender inequalities in today's school systems and that has a major affect on women and their positions in society.

9.2.5. Tracking Placing students into curricular programs based on their abilities and skills is another way of creating inequalities.