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1. Learning theories are frequently captured in pedagogical models or frameworks which emphasis a particular approach.

2. Merrill’s five first principles

2.1. Merrill reviewed instructional design theories and models and abstracted a set of interrelated prescriptive instructional design principles (Merrill 2002)

2.1.1. • Demonstration principle – learning is promoted when learners observe a demonstration. • Application principle – learning is promoted when learners apply the new knowledge.

2.1.2. • Task-centred principle – learning is promoted when learners engage in a task-centred instructional strategy. • Activation principle – learning is promoted when learners activate relevant prior knowledge or experience.

3. • Presentation phase o Review of previous material o Statement of skills or knowledge to be learnt (what they are learning)

3.1. • Practice phase o Guided practice o Independent practice

3.2. • Assessment and evaluation phase o Formative assessment o Summative assessment

4. Asociative pespective

4.1. characteristics

4.1.1. Focuses on behaviour modification, via stimulus-response pairs; Controlled and adaptive response and observable outcomes; Learning through association and reinforcement

4.2. E-learning application

4.2.1. Content delivery plus interactivity linked directly to assessment and feedback

4.3. Models and frameworks

4.3.1. 1. Merrill’s instructional design principles 2. A general model of direct instruction

4.4. The associative perspective focuses on behaviour modification via stimulator-response pairs, trial and error learning, learning through association and reinforcement, and observable outcomes, and gives rise to behaviourist theories.

5. Conole (2008), illustrates just how complex a learning activity is.

6. Beetham (2004) considers a model to be ‘a representation with a purpose’ with an intended user, and distinguishes five usages of the word:

6.1. practice models or approach

6.2. theoretical models

6.3. technical models