Holden Caulfield notices the littlest of things even if it is not significant.
by Sean Joo

1. Chapter 4: Holden points out issues about Stradlater
1.1. Holden notices Stradlater's blade is rusty and full of lather and hair
1.2. Holden dislikes people complimenting others, "Ackley kept on saying...Coyle was a good build for basketball. God, I hate that stuff" (Salinger 29).
1.3. "but I knew he probably wouldn't. You take a guy like Stradlater, they never give your regards to people" (Salinger 33).
2. Chapter 5: Holden still notices the slightest of things about Ackley.
2.1. "... except stay in his room and squeeze his pimples or something" (Salinger 36).
2.2. "The snow was very good for packing" (Salinger 36).
2.3. "Besides, I'd been to the movies with Broussard and Ackley before. They both laughed like hyenas at stuff that wasn't even funny" (Salinger 37).
2.4. "He started talking in this very monotonous voice, and picking at all his pimples" (Salinger 37).
2.5. "Every time he told it, it was different" (Salinger 37).
3. Chapter 6: Holden gets into a fight with Stradlater
3.1. "When I really worry about something, I don't just fool around. I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry. Only I don't go. Im too worried to go." (Salinger 40)
3.1.1. Illustrates Holden noticing and worrying about his worrying preventing him from being in a normal state
4. Chapter 7: Holden leaves Pencey
4.1. " I just kept laying there on Ely's bed, thinking about Jane and all. It just drove me stark staring mad when I thought about her and Stradlater parked somewhere in that fat-assed Ed-Banky's car," (Salinger 48)
4.1.1. Quote shows how even though Jane and Holden have not conversed in a while, Holden is still hung up about her and focuses on her, showing how he's focusing unnecessarily about her and Stradlaters affair. Jane was never his and Holden thus should not be focusing on Jane.