1. Learning and Technology Policy Framework
1.1. Student Centred Learning
1.1.1. Support and implement personal, individualized, student centred learning through technology in the classroom. Students access, share and create blended learning and increase knowledge. Students develop their digital citizenship and technological skills. Demonstrate their knowledge through effective uses of technology, tools and resources.
1.2. Research and Innovation
1.2.1. Teachers and other staff members read, review and participate in technological use. Participate, apply and stay current with teaching technologies and tools for technology and education. Decision making can be used by technology, through data and research.
1.3. Professional Learning
1.3.1. Teachers and other professionals develop, increase, maintain and apply their technological knowledge. Professionals are well prepared and equipped to use technology and digital resources effectively to lead, teach, inspire and innovate students. Teachers engage in professional and technological learning opportunities to maintain and increase knowledge for better educating students.
1.4. Leadership
1.4.1. Educational leaders develop governance and policy structures for safe, ethical technology use and a student centered learning. Lead other professionals to teach innovatively, effectively and efficiently. Clear and up to date standard on user guidelines and technology education plans.
1.5. Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning Environments
1.5.1. Allowing all students, teachers, administrators and professionals, access to safe, reliable, high quality tools in technology. Safe digital learning environments designed to maximize leaning with technology. Appropriate technology is available and supported.
2. Information and Communication Technology
2.1. A Way of Doing Things
2.1.1. Technology alters the way things are done in human activity and life. It allows us to use tools, processes and devices we wouldn't have had access to. We can use technology for: gathering and identifying information, classifying and organizing, summarizing and synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating, speculating and predicting.
2.2. ICT Intentions
2.2.1. The ICT curriculum is intended to be infused with all subject areas and education. Not to be taught on its own without connections to all other subject areas. Students grades K-12 will be challenged and taught to integrate technology in their learning, development, education, skills, environment and in problem solving. This is to create a better well-rounded education for the students, providing the best tools and resources for better education opprotunities.
2.3. Communicating, Inquiring, Decision Making and Problem Solving
2.3.1. The impact on students ability to assess and apply data. Use research and critically think about data and variables, and the tools used. Solve problems and communicate solutions and findings accurately to a variety of audiences. Students are able to apply skills to real life problems, and create solutions.
2.4. Foundational Operations, Knowledge and Concepts
2.4.1. About understanding the nature and affect of technology. Safety, ethical and ergonomic affects of technology as well. Multi-media technology, telecommunications and basic understanding for computer processes.
2.5. Processes for Productivity
2.5.1. Skills required to use, manipulate and learn from basic technology tools to create productivity. Graphical, visual, audio, data, research, navigation, collaboration, communication and other tools are necessary for increased productivity and learning.
2.6. ICT Curriculum
2.6.1. The ICT curriculum uses; specific outcomes, general outcomes, illustrative examples and assessment framework. General outcomes are what students are expected to know and gain. Specific outcomes are detailed outcome statements identifying student attitudes, skills and knowledge required to gain in the general outcomes. Illustrative examples are provided in support documents and area arranged by grade and subject so that all areas have the same resources. They are not limits but rather beginning directions that can be altered to fit student learning and lesson plans. Assessment framework is supportive framework that allows for student assessments and competencies for ICT outcomes in cores subject areas. Some sample assessments are provides for few subject areas at few grade levels.
3. ISTE Standards for Teachers
3.1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
3.1.1. Promote creative and healthy learning, through innovative thinking and leadership of technology. To show students that technology plays a massive role in real world issues and can help solve problems. A teachers goal is to also help inspire children's learning, creativity and problem solving skills through face to face as well as visual and technological interaction.
3.2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3.2.1. Design and adapt leaning plans to students and usage of technology. Customize personal learning for each students and allow them to explore their interests in subject areas using technology. Create a learning environment to foster the students learning growth and development.
3.3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
3.3.1. Show fluency in technology and how to intergrade it into the classroom, for students and also to close the gap between parents and their child learning. To be knowledgeable about the materials being taught and the technology behind the learning/ lesson plans.
3.4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
3.4.1. Teach and model safe, legal, ethical ways of using technology responsibly and respect to citing, copy right and property. Model digital etiquette for teaching standards and online social interactions. Cultural and social awareness by communicating and networking with different cultures around the world with respect and understanding.
3.5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadserhip
3.5.1. Participate in local and global teaching activities and resources to share and collaborate with others properly and respectfully to improve student learning. Participate in social and research aspects of education both locally and globally to further educational aspects of students lives and research. Demonstrate leadership and understanding of infusing technology in the educational classroom.
4. ISTE Standards for Students
4.1. Empowered Learner
4.1.1. Develop and show competency in their technological learning and goals. Articulate and set individualized learning goals, steps to achieve them and reflection on progress of goals. Use technology to customize their environments to gain knowledge and learning networks. To gain feedback and improve individual learning skills.
4.2. Digital Citizen
4.2.1. Students recognize their rights, responsibilities and opportunities given to allow them to work with technology. Engage locally and geographically in a safe, respectful, ethical manner allowing them to have tools for education as well as safety necessary.
4.3. Knowledge Constructor
4.3.1. Students use a variety of education tools to create improve learning environments for themselves and other students. Plan and use effective research strategies to further education and learning through a variety of tools. Increase knowledge by understanding and pursuing real world issues and critically think about problem solving solutions.
4.4. Innovate Designer
4.4.1. Using imaging solutions to identify and solve a variety of problems using a variety of tools. Use tools to manage, design, create, test and solve problems. Develop skill and persistence in open ended questions and multiple forms of problem solving.
4.5. Computational Thinker
4.5.1. Use technology to compute, identity and solve vast array of problems. Develop skills necessary for problem solving and testing of solutions. Collect data sets, extract key information and use appropriate technological tools to analyze and solve problems using data.
4.6. Creative Communicator
4.6.1. Students can use technology in a variety of ways to express themselves creatively in different platforms, tools, sets, applications and digital media appropriate to their goals.
4.7. Global Collaborator
4.7.1. Students can use their technological tools to enrich their learning and collaboration skills globally and economically. Can use tools to connect with students from a variety of backgrounds. Develop skills necessary to contribute constructively in a group project, assuming various roles over time in aims to achieve a common goal.