Double Income in Sales

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Double Income in Sales by Mind Map: Double Income in Sales

1. 4. Presentation and show product

1.1. People don’t care about your product, about you, about your company. They only care what does our service does for them

1.2. Change, improvement, benefit, transformation

2. 5. Answer objection

2.1. ‘that’s a good question. Here it is..’

3. 6. Close sale

3.1. invitational close

3.1.1. how do you like this so far

3.1.2. why don't you give it a try

3.2. reverse close

3.2.1. if we could take care that for you to complete your satisfaction. Would you give it a try

3.3. Ask polite, confident, warm, charming

3.4. Agenda close

3.4.1. I know how busy you are but I’ve prepared an agenda for our meeting

4. 7. Resales & referrals

4.1. Ask for it, ask happy customer

5. Two things profound career

5.1. 1. Immediately try new thing – take action

5.2. 2. Try the idea 5 – 10 times before passed judgment

6. 1. Prospecting-speak to the right people

6.1. 80-90% prospect doesn’t know you, your business, service can help them

6.2. You can’t approach all target market. You can’t control where the sales come from, result

6.3. You can control your sales activities

6.4. The law of probabilities

6.4.1. The longer hour with customer, the more probabilities of sales

6.4.2. Spend more facetime with customers

7. 2. Build rapport and trust

7.1. establish credibility & relationship

7.2. listening build trust

8. 3. Ask question & identify needs

8.1. 1. listening carefully. Ask really good question

8.2. 2. pause before replying. selling takes place with word, buying takes place with silence

8.3. 3. question for clarification. 'how do you mean exactly?'

8.4. 4. feed it back with your own words

8.5. Examination, Diagnosis, Prescription