Fall Meeting Topics

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Fall Meeting Topics by Mind Map: Fall Meeting Topics

1. Religion

1.1. Anti-Science

1.2. Extremism

1.3. Impact on Society

1.3.1. Abortion

1.3.2. Religion in schools

1.4. The Afterlife

1.5. Church/State Separation

1.5.1. Faith Based Initiatives

1.6. Misconceptions about atheism

1.7. New Age beliefs

2. Paranormal

2.1. Aliens

2.2. Ghosts

2.3. Psychics

2.4. Cryptozoology

2.5. Haunted Locations

2.6. Ghost Hunting

2.7. Astrology

2.8. Communication with the dead

3. Science

3.1. Age of universe/Earth

3.2. Evolution vs. Creationism

3.3. Theory and Rhetoric

3.4. Misuse of science

3.5. "Just a theory" argument

3.6. Alternative medicine

3.7. 9/11 "truth" movement

4. Ethics

4.1. Secular Ethics

4.2. Religious Ethics

4.3. Secular Humanism