The outcomes/ effects of one conflict often cause another

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The outcomes/ effects of one conflict often cause another by Mind Map: The outcomes/ effects of one conflict often cause another

1. WW1

1.1. After WW1, Germany lost and they had to pay for about more than $6 billion

1.2. Germany, Austria- Hungary, Russia, Italy, Ottoman Empire, and many others were involved in the war

1.3. French Warfare

1.4. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

1.5. Lasted for about 21 years then 6 years later, WW2 started

2. Years of Crisis

2.1. Fascism: nationalism/ militarism political movement that gives power to a dictator and take away people's individual rights

2.2. Hitler and Mussolini became Fascist's leaders

2.3. Hated Jews so he created Concentration Camps for them and millions of them died

2.4. Hitler and his wife killed themselves because they didn't want to get killed by the others

2.5. The Munich Conference

3. Cold War

3.1. Called 'Cold War' because there wasn't a lot of physical fighting

3.2. Cold War happened during winter and caused a lot of deaths due to the weather

3.3. Longest war in the history

4. WW2

4.1. Bloodiest war in human history

4.2. A few powerful weapons were newly introduced (Rifles, Machine guns, Tanks, Gas, etc.

4.2.1. Most of those weapons were worth it but some had some cons due to their accuracy and speed

4.3. A lot of countries were allied with others

4.4. Unfortunately, USA didn't want to get involved

4.5. Soldiers set up traps during the night with barbed wires so that the other armies would get destroyed