My place in the World

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My place in the World by Mind Map: My place in the World

1. Other Information

1.1. Population

1.2. Accommodation

1.2.1. Many hotels

1.2.2. Houses for rent

1.2.3. Houses to buy

1.2.4. Camping

1.3. Services avalilable

1.3.1. Child's school

1.3.2. Internet

1.3.3. Gym

1.3.4. Phone

1.3.5. Library

1.3.6. Supermarket / Grocery

2. Culture

2.1. Music

2.1.1. Local Festivals

2.2. Leisure activities

2.2.1. Family entertainment

2.2.2. Carnival

2.2.3. Arcades

2.2.4. Dancing clubs

2.3. Sports

2.3.1. Surf

2.3.2. Football

2.3.3. Running Races Recreational

2.3.4. Extreme Sports ZipLine Jet Ski

2.3.5. Ciclying

2.4. Gastronomy

2.4.1. SeaFood

2.4.2. Barbeques

2.4.3. Fast Food

2.4.4. International cuisine

2.4.5. Ice cream

2.4.6. Traditional Beer

3. Have you guessed which place is it?

4. Location / Climate

4.1. Language

4.1.1. Spanish

4.2. Relief

4.2.1. Coastline

4.2.2. Surrounded by Hills

4.3. Climate

4.3.1. Hot during Summer

4.3.2. Windy all year long

4.4. Location

4.4.1. South America

4.4.2. Atlantic Ocean

4.4.3. Coastline River coastline

5. Why this place?

5.1. Childhood

5.2. Family

5.2.1. Wife

5.3. Environment

5.4. Special energy