Centralised nations union

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Centralised nations union by Mind Map: Centralised nations union

1. we enjoy continental convention and court!

2. minority groups

3. misunderstanding

4. inclusion

4.1. tolerance

4.2. respect

4.3. promotion of Human Rights

4.4. intercultural understanding

4.5. differences

4.6. education

5. youth

5.1. projects

5.2. events

5.3. workers

5.4. creativity

5.5. opportunities

5.6. power

6. risks

6.1. refugee crisis

6.2. economical crisis

6.3. BREXIT trend

7. Rule of law

8. variety/diversity

8.1. culture

8.2. appearence

8.3. priorities

8.4. attitude

8.4.1. Xenophobia anti-muslim policies anti-immigrant policies


9. education

9.1. high level of school system

9.2. opportunities for stunents in international cooperation

9.3. innovation

9.4. education training

10. opportunity

10.1. freedom to travel between countries

10.2. the euro

10.3. peace and stability

10.4. employment

10.5. cooperation development

10.6. research

11. Populist Politics

11.1. rise of right wing politics

12. Exclusion

12.1. young people

13. disunity

13.1. lack of consensus

14. Democracy

14.1. a consensus

14.2. thrive for democratic culture

15. Open Society

15.1. democratic culture

15.2. openness and acceptance

15.3. prohibition of discrimination

15.4. equality

15.5. we don't really have those, but we want to and we associate it with European idea!

16. ECHR together with ECtHR

17. Crazy past

17.1. wars

17.2. conflicts

18. social

19. administrative

20. Unity

20.1. united in diversity

20.2. history

20.3. culture

21. similarities

21.1. values

21.2. ideas

22. entity

22.1. politcal

22.2. cultural

23. benefits

23.1. economical

23.2. political

23.3. strategical

23.4. military

24. Cross cultural community and communication

24.1. foreign policy

24.2. setting examples

25. weaknes

25.1. dependant

25.2. not influential enough

25.3. submissive