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1. Learn lessons from previous relationships and apply them to future situations.

2. Try to reconcile differences and balance the negatives with the positives.

3. Give gratitude.

3.1. Grateful people have health benefits and report higher levels of happiness. Find ways to be grateful for things that surround you, and most importantly, for who you are.

4. Be intimate.

4.1. The word "intimacy" is often associated with sex, but being emotionally intimate is a huge part of a loving relationship. Emotional intimacy involves allowing yourself to feel and express vulnerability around your partner. Avoiding vulnerability can look like like withdrawal, attack, or accusations. On the contrary, intimacy can look like sharing fears, discomfort, and disappointment with your partner. Feelings or situations that previously felt unsafe feel safer in an intimate relationship because of the vulnerability and trust that has been developed.

5. Accept that love is dynamic.

5.1. If you’re concerned that the initial attraction and strong feelings of love are wearing off, realize that love can occur in waves. Sometimes you feel overwhelmingly in love with someone, and other times you experience less love to or from that person. Just because you hit a low point doesn’t mean that the feelings will last forever.

6. Appreciate and care about yourself

6.1. Before loving anyone else, you have to love yourself. Learning to love yourself means accepting and appreciating the vulnerability within. You have many qualities that are unique to you. Learn to appreciate who you are and what you can offer.

7. Adopt a positive outlook and do things that make you happy.

7.1. Use positive self-talk to transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

8. Commit to a relationship and don't be afraid of emotional and physical intimacy.