4. Production: Process Structure

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4. Production: Process Structure by Mind Map: 4. Production: Process Structure

1. 4.6 Economies of Scale

1.1. Your job in 4.6

1.2. A. Just a little test

1.2.1. Test activity

1.3. B. Learning and Learning curves

1.3.1. Explanation

1.3.2. Compute your learning rate (4 pts)

1.4. C. Summary

1.4.1. Summary

2. 4.5 Process Structure in Real Life

2.1. Your job in 4.5

2.2. A. The artisan organization

2.2.1. Graph

2.2.2. Explanation

2.3. B. The line organization

2.3.1. Graph

2.3.2. Explanation

2.4. C. The functional organization

2.4.1. Graph

2.4.2. Explanation

2.5. D. Your contribution

2.5.1. Exercise + Discussions "My Dentist" / "My Bookcase"

3. 4.4 Summarizing and Comparing

3.1. Your job in 4.4

3.2. A. Process Structure: main features

3.2.1. Recap of the main structures

3.3. B. Cost Comparison

3.3.1. 1 short survey

3.3.2. Cost Performance

3.4. C. Speed, Product Range, Flexibility

3.4.1. 3 short surveys

3.4.2. Speed - Product Range - Flexibility

3.5. D. Reliability

3.5.1. 1 short survey

3.5.2. Reliability

4. 4.3 Functional Organization / Job-shop

4.1. Your job in 4.3

4.2. A. How does it work?

4.2.1. The Functional Organization

4.3. B. Your opinion

4.3.1. 2 polls "The Functional Organization is great/bad at..." (2 pts)

4.4. C. What "my" job-shop workers say...

4.4.1. Functional: What students think about it...

5. 4.2 Line

5.1. Your job in 4.2

5.2. A. How does it work?

5.2.1. The Line Organization

5.3. B. Your opinion

5.3.1. 2 polls "The Line organization is great/bad at..." (2 pts)

5.4. C. What "my" line workers say...

5.4.1. Line: What students think about it...

6. 4.1 Artisan

6.1. Your job in 4.1

6.2. A. How does it work?

6.2.1. The Artisan Organization

6.3. B. Your opinion

6.3.1. 2 polls "The Artisan organization is great/bad at.." (2 pts)

6.4. C. What "my" artisans say...

6.4.1. Artisan: What students think about it...

7. 4.0 Overview Module 4

7.1. The Focus of Module 4

7.1.1. Module Plan

7.2. Process Structure for Belgian Chocolates

7.2.1. Introduction to the Belgian Chocolate Case

7.3. Mindmap Module 4

7.3.1. Mindmap

7.4. Learning Objectives

7.4.1. Learning Objectives