You chose to study in Dublin as an Erasmus student

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You chose to study in Dublin as an Erasmus student by Mind Map: You chose to study in Dublin as an Erasmus student

1. You should probably do these things ! They will help you improve your experience !

1.1. Planning and organisation are keys ! Before leaving your country, you should prepare your arrival, because Erasmus paperwork can become overwhelming faster than you think.

1.2. Contact your embacy long before your arrival. The administration can give you precious advices concerning everyday life, and administrative procedure. It's really worth the time it takes !

1.3. Download Skype ! It's free and thanks to this online instant messaging app, you will keep contact with your family. That's very important when you're in a foreign country for a long time without coming home !

1.4. Make some new friends ! Having friends is always a good idea, and it can help you getting attached to the place you are settled. You may also share your culture with them, and learn more about theirs !

1.5. Go out and visit the city ! Or the country ! Ireland is a great place to live, and it has a world famous lifestyle that you must absolutely discover ! Green landscapes, wild nature, sheeps, and of course, beer ! People will be pleased to show you how life really is !

2. Par HAÏNE Sébastien (11610212)

3. STOP ! You must avoid doing these few things if you want to survive !

3.1. Eating processed food. It seems nothing, but if you manage to prepare some food by yourself, with organic or even fresh vegetables/fruits, you'll be in better health, and you can even save a lot of money, because life is expansive in Ireland.

3.2. No sports, only TV. This will change your life into a horrible nightmare ! You won't be able to enjoy your Erasmus year, you won't be able to study, and you put yourself in danger : your body needs to exercice at least half an hour per day !

3.3. Comparing everything. Yes, you're in a foreign country. Yes, things will not be done as you expect. And you should deal with it, because you won't change anything, you will have to accept the life the way it is. Nothing is ever how you imagined it !

3.4. Stay at home all the time. If you do that, you will litteraly miss everything. Ireland is a nice country, it has so much to offer ! Don't miss it, and if it doesn't motivate you, tell yourself that homesickness is never very far !

3.5. Partying every nights, and spend the day in your bed. This is not a great idea, because even though you have plenty of places to see and friends to talk to, you have to study (at least a bit). Trust me, you don't want to fail your exams, and your liver will thank your for the effort !