Race, Class and Miscegenation

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Race, Class and Miscegenation by Mind Map: Race, Class and Miscegenation

1. Spaniards (Whites)

1.1. Viceroys, governors, presidents, and judges

1.2. Archbishops, bishops, priests, head of religious orders

1.3. Crown functionaries

2. Mestizos (one spanish one indian), Mulatos (one spanish one black)& Zambos (black or mulatto parent & one indian)

2.1. Agricultural peasants, artisans, carpenters, bricklayers.

2.2. clergy

3. Criollos (Two Spanish parents or one Spanish and one Castizo)

3.1. Encomendados, hacienda owners, municipal council.

3.2. participants of religious orders and head of local parishes

4. Indians (Natives)

4.1. Under ecomienda system, work in haciendas or mines

5. Africans (Blacks)

5.1. Slaves (mines and plantations)