The Energy Challenge

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The Energy Challenge by Mind Map: The Energy Challenge

1. CCS

1.1. Carbon capture and storage

1.2. CO2 capsule

1.2.1. compress into a liquid

1.2.2. into the subsurface

1.2.3. into the rocks

1.3. understand the process

1.3.1. limit the risks earthquakes leak

2. Use less energy

2.1. examples

2.1.1. house isolation

2.1.2. less new materials reuse instead of destroy lighter materials

2.1.3. building made for 100 years only used 30 years

2.2. materials that used more energy

2.2.1. steal

2.2.2. ciment

2.2.3. plastic

2.2.4. paper

2.2.5. aluminium

2.3. no real economic pain

2.4. find a way to live without new materials

3. Solutions

3.1. reduce CO2 emission

3.2. alternative sources of energy top 10

3.2.1. solar

3.2.2. wind

3.2.3. geothermal heat

3.2.4. nuclear waste fusion

3.2.5. biofuels

3.2.6. human power

3.2.7. tidal power

3.2.8. hydrogen

3.3. use lot less energy

3.4. avoid significant waste

4. stock energy ?

5. Fossils energy

5.1. CO2 emission

5.2. Damage the atmosphere

5.3. Climate change

5.4. Serious threat

5.5. Use less energy

6. Wind farm

6.1. Can't put it anywhere

6.1.1. air

6.1.2. landscape compromise

6.1.3. off shore, in the sea

6.2. Very expensive

6.2.1. particulary generator

6.2.2. reduce cost

6.2.3. increase production

6.3. Major produceur of low carbone electricity

6.4. Futur : flying wind farm

6.4.1. 100-200 ft above the ground

6.4.2. detected and capted the best wind speeds

6.4.3. first one in Alaska

6.4.4. adjust its height

6.4.5. very efficient