"Fame and Fortune Can't Make You Happy"

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"Fame and Fortune Can't Make You Happy" by Mind Map: "Fame and Fortune Can't Make You Happy"

1. Problems

1.1. They get stressed a lot because they have to make everything perfect and it puts a lot of pressure on someone that is just like you and me.

1.2. A2

2. Kids

2.1. If you have kids it will make them spoiled and they will not see you as much, they will think you are too busy for them,giving them self doubt.

2.2. A1

3. Criticizim

3.1. Not all people like your style so you are criticized a lot. “Lawrence is holding steady too, though she has had to deal with drama.Her phone has been hacked and her looks and eating habits have been criticized in the media” (Carro 15).

3.2. A3

4. CA

4.1. There is lack of privacy, your new friends will only want you for money, and fame does not mean fortune, last of all you will have to change your appearance to please your “fans”. “Fame Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Fortune” (“Cool Staff” 98.7)

5. Celebrity Opinion